Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986
TURTLE and HARE, two detailed crop reflection models
J.A.den Dulk
Department of Theoretical Production Ecology, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: Yield prediction can be done by means of dynamic simulation, based on crop properties and global
environmental conditions. The use of remote-sensing data, interpreted by means of a crop reflection model
will improve the quality of the prediction.
Two crop reflection models are presented: both models can be used to predict the reflection of a wide range
of crops, even when crop properties vary with crop height. One of them (TURTLE) consumes much computertime
and yields a complete flux profile within the canopy, whereas the other one (HARE) is much faster, but
produces only the reflection properties of the complete crop.
RESUME: Le rendement des cultures arables peut être prédit par simulation dynamique, basé à les
caractéristiques de la culture et les conditions environnementales. L'usage des données obtenues par
télédétection et analysées au moyen d'un modèle de rèflection du couvert végétale, peut amélorier la qualité
de prédiction.
Deux modèles de ce type sont ici présentés. Tous les deux peut être utilisé pour prédire la rèflection du
couvert. L'un deux (TURTLE), exigeant un temps prolongé d'exécution sur ordinateur, produit un profil complet
des flux à 1'intérieur du couvert végétal, alors que l'autre (HARE) exige un temps d'exécution beaucoup plus
court, mais ne produit les caractéristiques de reflection que pour la culture entière.
At the Department of Theoretical Production Ecology
of the Wageningen University, and in cooperation with
the Centre for Agrobiological Research and other
institutes, a number of dynamic simulation models for
crop growth have been developed during the last
decennia (Penning de Vries & van Laar, 1982). Some
of these models are especially meant for detailed
simulation of the processes in a single plant during
one diurnal cycle, whereas other models are used to
simulate growth and development of a complete plant
stand during a complete growing season.
If the modelled crop grows under well-known
circumstances, as in a green house or in a region
where weather conditions are fairly stable, then a
good correspondence between the real crop and the
model results is achieved. When however the
knowledge about the actual growing conditions
(weather, soil, nutrients) is poor, serious
deviations between model results and measured data
can occur. This means that the quality of crop yield
simulation based on mean environmental conditions
hardly exceeds the quality of a prediction that is
based on intelligent extrapolation of the yields as
obtained in the past under comparable circumstances.
Light interception is an important factor in biomass
production rate, and on the other hand the coverage
of a crop is directly related to the intercepted
radiation. In the first phase of the growth of a
crop, when the crop does not cover the soil totally,
interception, and therefore also growth rate,
increases with biomass production. This phase is
called the phase of exponential growth. During this
phase there is a strong positive feedback of biomass
on biomass production rate. Therefore relatively
small differences between model assumptions and
reality will cause serious errors in the simulation.
In the second phase of the growth, when the canopy
becomes more and more closed, light interception does
not increase further with biomass production. This
phase is called the linear phase, where feedback is
less important than in the first phase. But during
this phase stress factors like water or nutrient
shortage or pests and diseases may play their role In
the growth of the crop, so also in this phase the
simulation can show serious deviations between the
modelled situation at harvest time and the real crop.
The purpose of this work was to enhance the quality
of yield prediction obtained by dynamic simulation by
including data gathered during the growing season
from the crop itself. Combination of the actual
weather data (in stead of mean climatological
knowledge) with the deviations between the actual and
the predicted state of the crop caused by stress
factors will improve yield prediction.
Data collection on the ground can be a problem. A
good way to observe the crops themselves seems to be
the use of remote sensing techniques and among these,
multiband spectral scanning has been proven to be an
applicable technique for the detection of crop
properties (Bunnik, 1978).
Before continuing on the topic of the interpretation
of reflection data to adjust simulations carried out
with dynamic growth models, we will give a brief
explanation of the technique of dynamic simulation.
A dynamic crop simulation model can be considered
as a set of simultaneous ordinary or partial
differential equations, in which each equation
represents the in- or decrease in one quantity of
interest, like leaf weight or dry matter stored in
the kernels. The state of the system at the start of
the simulation (for instance the beginning of the
growing season) defines the initial values, whereas
the environmental conditions such as rainfall,
radiation and temperature are the boundary conditions