2. A similar reflection matrix for the soil is
derived from the soil reflection type and reflection
3a. In the TURTLE-model, the reflection of the crop
is computed with the adding algorithm (Van der Hulst,
1980), starting with the soil matrix and the matrices
of the lowest layer. In succeeding steps the
influence of one layer is added at a time until the
top of the canopy is reached. In a second series of
calculations, all relation matrices between incoming
flux and the fluxes between all model layers are
computed, starting with the top layer.
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1. leaf angle distributions, including azimuthal
2. soil reflection coefficient;
3. optical properties of the leaves;
4. reflection and transmission coefficients of the
5. sun direction and sky irradiance;
6. observation direction.
The calculations show that all crop properties in
the list above influence the reflection properties of
a crop, and that the interpretation of reflection
data may lead to errors in the estimation of the
cover percentage up to 15 %. When the
nadir-reflection in one wavelength band is used, crop
geometry, soil reflection level and optical behaviour
of the leaves are the main sources of these errors.
When the vegetation index is used in stead of the
reflection in one single band, the importance of the
crop geometry decreases, but the influence of the
soil brightness and the optical behaviour of the
leaves remains an important source of possible
Figure 4. One step of the adding algorithm as used
in the TURTLE-model.
3b. In the HARE-model, a little extension of the
adding algorithm is used to combine eight matrices of
two layers to four matrices of the combined layer.
This extension consists of the calculation of the
combined transmission matrix. This process is
repeated until all crop layers are incorporated. As
long as identical crop layers are involved, the
algorithm is used to double layers in stead of adding
layers one by one. At last, the standard adding
algorithm is used to add the soil to the crop.
Figure 6. Vegetation index VI as function of cover
percentage for two soils, which differ in
brightness. Suns inclination is 60 deg., the leaf
angle distribution of the crop is spherical, the
observation direction is nadir.
In addition to the uncertainties caused by crop and
soil properties, the observation direction introduces
important deviations in the radiance. When an
aircraft is used as the observation platform, the
viewing direction may deviate as much as 45 degrees
Figure 5. One step of the adding algorithm as used
in the HARE-model.
4. A vector for the incoming radiation is computed,
based on the sky irradiation pattern (including the
sun). This vector is premultiplied with the matrices
as derived in calculation steps 3a or 3b. To
calculate the reflection of the same crop under
different sky conditions, only this last step has to
be repeated. The matrix (HARE) or matrices (TURTLE)
that represent the crop behaviour are defined
separately from the actual incoming radiation.
As can be seen, with the TURTLE-model the total
flux profile within a canopy can be computed. It is
obvious that this result is obtained only after an
enormous number of calculations. Because in a remote
sensing environment generally only the reflection of
a complete crop is of interest, the HARE-model, which
consumes only about 10-20 % of the computer resources
of the TURTLE model, will be sufficient.
The models as described in the former sections are
used for calculations of crop reflection in different
wavebands and their combinations such as vegetation
index as affected by:
Figure 7. Influence of the observation direction on
the uncorrected reflection in the red and infrared
spectral band for different values of the LAI.