Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

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Figure n° I '(upper) .Large Format Camera photograph 
for reference: Vierwaldstattersee (Switzerland). 
Distance between Ilammetsellwand (A) and Rigi (B) : 
approximately 825 m.Scale : 1:274000 anproximately 
(actual document). 
Figure n° 2 (lower) .Metric Camera, photograph for 
reference.Scale : 1:61500 approximately 
(actual document). 
Figure n° 3 :Embankment of the Mattmark earthdam. 
sca.le on the actual document : 1 :3900 approximately. 
We observe the small size (less than 0.05 mm ) of 
the smallest crystals. 
2-2 Large Format Camera imagery. 
Referring to the image of Vierwaldstättersee (Luzern 
-Switzerland n°1280,so called Lake Garda) we observe 
immediatly that the spatial resolution is independant 
of the orientation of measurements.AD- roads are visi 
ble, even when the width is 6 or 7 m. 
The following figure n° 4 give details about the well- 
known Pilatus Werke factory just close to the Stans 
airport,at the foot of the BurgenstocK (altitude 1125 
In spite of a quasi-reticulated, texture of the film, 
all ground objects are detectable when their smallest 
dimension is at least,equal to 6 m,with contrasts 
between 1.5 to 1 or 2.0 to 1s for example along the 
crest between bare soil and trees. 
But the differentiation of trees and grass is not easy. 
We must realize complex optical filterings in order 
to classify the different species of trees along the 
slopes of the Burgenstock. 
Figure n° 4 : The Pilatus Werke Factory at the foot 
of the Burgenstocck near Stans (Switzerland). 
Actual scale on the publication : 1:3500. 
Figure n° 5• Common black and White enlargement 
at the scale of 1:88000 (approximately) on the 
actual publication of the Burgenstock area near 
Luzern (Switzerland). 

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