Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Orientations between 35-55 and 125-145 degrees from 
the flight direction are regarded as critical. 
For example, this explains the relatively poor pro 
portion of pure pixels in the site of St.Jan (SJ) 
although the fields are generally large. The domi 
nant orientation of the field boundaries is evident 
for the very elongated fields, but is also clear 
for the small, compact fields. In general, most 
fields in sites analysed in Flanders, show critical 
Thematic image interpretation of areas such as occur 
in northern Belgium, will remain difficult even with 
the 2nd generation remote sensing satellites. The 
main reasons reside in the great diversity of land 
scape having a very fine and complex structure and 
varying over short distances in space. Important 
structural parameters proved to be the density of 
the landscape elements, the size and the compactness 
of the land use fields, the orientation of the field 
boundaries and the density of the biotic screens 
(especially the shadow giving tree- and hedgerows). 
All these determine the proportions of the pure and 
mixed pixels in the image for a given land use cate 
gory. Generally the proportion of the pure pixels 
remains very low and varies a lot between the dif 
ferent landscape types in the case studies in 
Landclassification techniques using structural 
indicators permit a fast landscape typology. 
We suggest to use this for a stratified sampling 
of training areas. Further research will focus upon 
the imp!imentation ÿsuch a structural landscape 
typology in image classification and the elaboration 
of interpretation keys. 
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