and as a consequence organic matter might settle out
in discrete grains. In a Ca free environment organic
carbon is more readily absorbed by clays and thus the
color of the soils should be lighter.
These secondary results are probably less important
than the main relationships between organic carbon,
iron, particle size, and reflection. What these main
results show is that parameters can readily interact
and thus obscure overall relationships. Under selec
tive conditions it is however possible to predict soil
chemical conditions that are pertinent to soil fer
tility and moisture status in agricultural fields.
It is suggested that individual fields be examined
separately so as to establish what relationships are
most significant for predictive purposes. Once these
relationships have been established for an individual
field, reflection values can be used to predict the
properties for a number of years. Another parameter
of primary importance in soils studies is moisture
content. Preliminary results suggest that moisture
has the greatest effect on reflection measurements
at 1050 nm. An in depth analysis is currently under
way to determine the effect of soil moisture on soil
Multiple correlations and regressions were also
carried out on the three data sets in order to see if
the overall predictive accuracy can be improved when
considering the relationships between reflection and
multiple physical and chemical soil properties. A
stepwise regression showed that (total amount of
variance explained by regression equation) could be
improved by the inclusion of several properties, but
as can be seen in Table 1 the improvements were very
Table 1. Comparison between single and stepwise mul
tiple regressions.
R 2
Set 1 (high
organic Carbon variability,
low particle
% Reflection (550 nm)
vs % Carbon
% Reflection (550 nm)
vs % C + Ca + N0 3
R 2 = 85%
R 2 = 88%
Set 2 (high particle size variability,
low organic
% Reflection (1600 nm)
vs % Sand
% Reflection (1600 nm)
vs % Sand + P + NO3
R 2 = 64%
R 2 = 70%
Set 3 (high
iron, no organic Carbon, low particle
% Reflection (630 nm)
vs % Iron
% Reflection (630 nm)
vs % Iron + Si
R 2 = 87%
R 2 = 89%
From the above results it is evident that selected
physical and chemical soil properties can be differ
entiated with multispectral reflection measurements.
But these assessments are by no means simple and are
greatly dependent on individual site conditions. It
is clearly evident that organic carbon exerts an
overwhelming influence on reflection above the 2%
concentration level. At levels below 2% organic car
bon, other properties such as particle size and %
iron content become dominant in influencing reflec
tion. The first two properties are extremely impor
tant in soil fertility management both in terms of
direct influence on fertility as well as indirect in
fluence via interdependence.
Soil surface conditions were held constant in these
laboratory tests but these will vary considerably in
the field. The results do indicate that if we use a
laser system we should be able to separate soil con
ditions spectrally since differences in surface
roughness will be discerned with the separately de
termined height measurement capabilities of the
laser. Attention should be given to the site con
ditions, particularly the organic carbon content
present, since the relationships between reflection
and soil properties are site dependent and the re
lationships are clearly not universally applicable.
In this study the remote assessment of vegetation
via an airborne laser system was demonstrated. The
results showed that the combination of high resolu
tion height profile tracing and the measurement of
laser reflection can greatly facilitate terrain
assessment by remote sensing. Applications of this
technique were demonstrated in a forested terrain
and since current lasers operate at a single wave
length range the potential of using multispectral
laser sensing was investigated using ground based
spectral reflection measurements. In this latter
study applications pertinent to soil fertility
assessments were demonstrated. Based on the results
the following conclusions can be made.
4.1 Terrain height and reflection measurements with
an airborne laser
The laser system provided a height profile tracing
of individual tree canopies at a vertical accuracy
of better than 20 cm. At the same time laser reflec
tion values were generated over the same target.
This combined data set is unique because for the
first time we can measure surface roughness and de
termine its influence on spectral reflection. With
such data, vegetation and terrain differentiation is
greatly facilitated since objects with similar re
flection can further be separated on the basis of
the height profile. The results showed that dis
tinctions between broadleaf and coniferous vegetation
and tree vs ground cover vegetation is greatly im
4.2 Spectral reflection measurements to differentiate
soil fertility conditions
It is anticipated that lasers with multispectral
capabilities can further improve remote sensing
assessments and the potential of such a system was
demonstrated in a case study which involves soil
fertility assessments. Spectral reflection measure
ments of soil samples at 550, 630, and 1600 nm wave
lengths were significantly related to organic carbon,
% iron content and % sand content respectively.
However, these relationships are not universally
applicable and can only be used for predictions
within a restricted concentration range.
Organic carbon has the greatest influence on %
reflection (at 550 nm) when the concentrations in
the soils are above 2%. Below 2% carbon content
other properties such as particle size and iron
content will become dominant and depending on the
conditions predictions of these two properties on a
site specific basis are possible from reflection
measurements at 1600 nm and 630 nm wavelengths.
These relationships are thought to be useful in
quantifying soils for sampling and fertilizer man
agement on a field by field basis. Since there are
different surface roughness parameters to be con
sidered in agricultural field assessments it is
suggested that the use of a dual or triple laser at