Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Lngh et al. 
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lose pixels 
3 were positive. 
3, and to some 
extent identifies cloudy pixels over the land. Since 
the data acquisition time was local afternoon and 
since there were clouds on the western side of the 
selected scene, there might have been some pixels 
which were contaminated by cloud shadows and identi 
fication of such pixels is not yet possible. 
Raw NDVI were calculated using equation (1). The 
atmospheric correction procedure was implemented and 
spectral reflectances p(A^)and p(^2) were calculated. 
Equation (9) then yields atmospherically corrected 
NDVI values. A relation of the form of equation 
(10) was sought between raw and atmospherically 
corrected NDVI values. 
Y = mX + c 
where Y is atmospherically corrected NDVI and X 
stands for raw NDVI. Line by line regression 
analysis was performed on a 512 x 512 scene but 
because of cloud cover and surrounding waters only 
about 80 to 200 pixels per scanline corresponded to 
cloud-free land area. For each scanline raw NDVIs 
were highly correlated to atmospherically corrected 
NDVI values. In fact the squared correlation 
coefficient ranged from 85% to 98%. The parameter c 
in equation (10) varied from about -0.1 to about 
-0.03 whereas the slope (or enhancement or magni 
fication) m ranged from about 2.2 to 3.5. These 
results indicate that the relation (10) is not a 
unique one. Had it been a unique relation then it 
would have been of great value. Therefore, it 
suggests that one has to apply atmospheric correction 
to each scene of interest. It is also clear from the 
values of m found above that the atmospherically 
corrected NDVI imagery should have high contrast 
compared to the contrast present in raw NDVI maps. 
Next a relation similar to equation (10) was sought 
between p (Aq) and atmospherically corrected NDVI. 
There was a large variability in the value of m (2 to 
30) but an important outcome was that the squared 
correlation coefficient ranged from about 30% to 
about 90%. This shows that p(Aq) carries some 
extra information to which NDVI is not sensitive. 
A similar analysis between p(A2) and atmospherically 
corrected NDVI showed a poor correlation between 
these two parameters. Therefore, p(Aq), p(A2) and 
atmospherically corrected NDVI values may be useful 
in improving surface cover type classification and 
further investigations are underway. 
The primary motivation was to search for more than 
one parameter for land-cover classification. 
Application of atmospheric correction results in an 
increased contrast between too dissimilar surfaces. 
It is shown that the atmospherically corrected NDVIs 
are partially correlated to either channel reflect 
ivity. This means that these three parameters may 
prove to be of importance in improving land cover 
classification. Although atmospherically corrected 
NDVIs and raw NDVIs are highly correlated to each 
other, these preliminary results indicate that there 
is no unique relation between these two quantities. 
Thus, one has to apply atmospheric correction to each 
scene of interest. 
This work was carried out under the NERC contract 
No. F60/G6/12. 
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