gray-levels (extracted from band 5 of the original Thematic Mapper scene), for a
better readlblllty of the results. In alternative, the output Is presented on a
transparent support for the superlmposltlon on a topographic map.
Ill phase: application of the methodology to a sample area
As a first model of the application of the methodology described here, ar
area was chosen (around 3200 Km^) south of the Via Emilia corresponding to the
ridge of the Tuscan-Emillan Appennlnes, In which the following features are
found from east to west: the principal hydrographical basis, mountains and hills
of the Savena, Reno, Samoggia, Panaro and Secchla rivers. The area Is of great
Interest to the study since It contains several wooded and forest formations lr
different morphological and climatic conditions. The aerial photographs used tc
establish the Interpretative "windows" were taken from photos made by I.G.M. lr
1982 and 10 double stereoscopic models were Interpreted In this way taking Intr
account that each photogram was on a scale varying from 1:30,000 to 1:25,000.
Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery were chosen of two dates: December 82 and
August 84. Preliminary analysis of the Images suggested the exclusion of the
winter scene from the process, because of the deep shadows and low dynamic. Thr
comparison between the forest thematic maps elaborated on the basis of
satellite Images and those obtained from photointerpretation on this sample area
was more than good, In fact, In most cases the results of the two different
methods of study coincided on the scale of 1:100,000 (see Tab.4 ).
97.4 %
97.0 %
Conifers ( C in Tab. 1)
96.7 %
Caduceous ( Q and a in Tab.1)
92.1 %
Caduceous ( F and f in Tab. 1)
88.1 %
Waste land / bush (A in Tab. 1)
86.4 %
Overall classification accuracy
AMADESI E., GIORGI G., VIANELLO G., 1982 - An investigation methodology for
territorial studies In unknown areas (East
Kallmantan-TImur, Indonesia). International
Archives of ISPRS, v. 24 - VII/1, Toulouse.
AMADESI E.. CASALICCHIO G., VIANELLO G„ 1984 - Methodology of environmental
research for new settlements In the Eastern
Sulawesi (Indonesia). International Archives of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, v. XXV/ A7
Rio de Janeiro.
AMADESI E., VIANELLO G., ZECCHI R., 1985 - La teledetezione nella valutazione
delle risorse naturali: forestazione In Italia. XXI
convegno AlC-Poster Session, Roma.
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY, 1983 - Manual of Remote Sensing v.ll
Falls Church, Virginia.
ASPIAZU C., 1977 Application of Landsat-1 data to crop area and
yield estimates, forest Identification, and soil
classification In IOWA. IOWA State University.
REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA, 1976/80 - Carta d'utlllzzazlone reale del suolo In
scala 1:25.000, Bologna.
VIANELLO G., 1980 La cartografia dell'utilizzazione reale del suolo
come strumento di base per la corretta gestione
del territorio, CNR-P.F. Qualità dell'ambiente, S.P.
Descrizione Ecosistemi, AC/1/124-129, Roma.
TAB 4. Classification accuracy on all the test areas
The proposed methodology, based on the calibration with data obtained
from field surveys of a "sample windows" extended to an area contained In a
double photographic model on a scale of about 1:30,000, has been shown valid for
the Identification ot wooded and forest formations by photointerpretation
The experimental application of the most recent techniques of
tele-surveying, using sultablly elaborated Images supplied by the Landsat 5
satellite, has given results which consents the extension of this methodology tc
those regions not completely covered by recent aerial photographs.
On the basis of the results obtained, compatible with the times of release
of the new aeras photographed by the I.G.M. and with data trasmitted to the earth
by Landsat 5, the research for the realization of a thematic map on the scale of
1:100,000 of the national patrimony In wooded and forest regions will be
extended to the entire national territory using the photointerpretation method foi
the Regions covered by flights made after 1982 and the remotely sensed satellite
data for those Regions where recent aerial photographs are not available.
AMADESI E., VIANELLO G., 1976 - Use of false colour photos for a concrete
utilization territory (land use) map. XII congress
of ISP, Helsinki.