Since the late 1970’s, a regional decline, affecting
many tree species has also appeared in Europe. In
recent years CIR aerial photos have also been widely
used in West Germany (Hildebrandt 1985) and other
European nations (Scherrer et al. 1981; Zirm et al.
To date, inventories of forest decline in the
United States have emphasized detection and
quantification of trees with "hard” damage symptoms
such as tree mortality and top or branch dieback.
Consequently, we have been able to use relatively
small photo scales. The photo scale currently
recommended for tree level data is 1:8000 but aerial
photos of considerably smaller scales have also been
used to delineate vegetation and mortality classes
(Table 1).
In West Germany, on the other hand, emphasis on
forest damge inventories has been on assessment of
the condition of living trees; therefore, the full
range of symptoms associated with forest declines:
loss of older foliage, subtop dieback, discolored
foliage, are classified on aerial photos using a
5-class rating system. Aerial photos of a larger
scale are normally used to resolve these more subtle
symptoms. The most commonly used photo scales are
1:5000 and 1:6000 (Hildebrandt 1985).
In the United States, forest damage inventories
have been designed to provide data on numbers of
trees, volumes, and basal area per unit area of land
(per acre) by various damage or decline classes.
This has necessitated interpretation and rating of
all trees on an aerial photo plot of known size. In
inventories conducted in West Germany, resultant
data is most frequently represented in terms of the
proportion of trees or area of given species in each
damage class (Anon 1984). These data are obtained
by rating a fixed number of trees in a series of
cluster plots on aerial photo sample strips
(Hildebrandt and Kadro 1984).
Photo interpretation keys have been developed for
large scale CIR photos in West Germany for
identification of tree species, including spruce and
fir, and rating damage (Grundmann 1984; Masumy
1984). This approach is of interest in designing
future inventories of forest decline in the eastern
United States. We are presently developing photo
interpretation guidelines for separation of spruce
and fir on CIR photos and there are indications that
the more subtle symptoms of decline can also be
detected. If this approach can be applied to forest
conditions in the United States we will undoubtedly
also be using CIR aerial photos at scales in the
range of 1:4000 to 1:6000.
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Duvick. 1985. Growth-trend declines of spruce and
fir in mid-Appalachian subalpine forests. Environ
mental and Experimental Botany 25(4):315-325.
Anonymous. 1984b. 1984 forest damage survey. Press
and Information Department, Federal Ministry of
Food, Agriculture, and Forestry, Federal Republic
of Germany. Mimeographed Report, 11 pp. plus tabs.
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Panoramic aerial photography in forest pest man
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Sensing 46:719-723.
Fowells, H.A. 1965. Silvics of forest trees of the
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Friedland, A.J., R.A. Gregory, L. Karenlampi, and
A.H. Johnson. 1984. Winter damage to foliage as a
factor in red spruce decline. Can. J. For. Res.
Grundmann, 0. 1984. Zur Aufstellung von Interpreta-
tionschliisseln ftir die Schadeinstufung von Fichte
und Tanne in Infrarot-Farbbildern. Allgem. Forst
Hawksworth, F.G. and A.L. Shigo. 1980. Dwarfmistle-
toe on red spruce in the White Mountains of New
Hampshire. Plant Dis. 64:880-882.
Hildebrandt, G. and A. Kadro. 1984. Aspects of
countrywide inventory and monitoring of actual
forest damages in Germany. Bildmessung und Luft
bildwesen. 52:201-216.
Hildebrandt, G. 1985. Waldschaden und ihre Erfas
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Cologne: Deutscher Institutes Verlag, pp. 97-111.
Hopkins, A.D. 1899. Report on investigations to
determine the cause of unhealthy conditions of
spruce and pine from 1880-1893. West Virginia Agr.
Exp. Sta. Bull. 56, 270 pp.
Hopkins, A.D. 1901. Insect enemies of the spruce in
the Northeast. USDA Bureau of Entomology Bull. 28,
80 pp.
Hornbeck, J.W. and R.B. Smith. 1985. Documentation
of red spruce growth decline. Canad. J. Forest
Res:15 1199-1201.
Johnson, A.H. and T.G. Siccama. 1983. Acid deposi
tion and forest decline. Env. Sei. and Tech. 17:
Kucera, D.R., and R.G. Taylor. 1984. Spruce budworms
situation in North America, 1983. USDA Forest
Service and Env. Canada Canad. Forestry Service
Misc. Pub. 1441, 27 pp.
Lambert, H.L. and W.M. Ciesla. 1966. Status of the
balsam woolly aphid in North Carolina and Tennes
see - 1965. USDA Forest Service, Div. State and
Pvt. Forestry, Asheville, NC, Rpt. 66-1-1, 12 pp.
Little, E.L. 1971. Atlas of United States trees,
V.l. Conifers and important hardwoods. USDA Misc.
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Masumy, S. 1984. Interpretationsschlüssel zur Aus
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schadensinventur. Allgem. Forst Zeits 39:1093-
Mielke, M.E., D.G. Soctomah, M.A. Marsden, and W.M.
Ciesla. 1986. Decline and mortality of red spruce
in West Virginia. USDA Forest Service, Forest Pest
Management Methods Application Group, Fort Col
lins, CO, Rpt. No. 86-4.
Pyle, C., M.P. Schatale, and T.R. Wentworth. 1985.
History of disturbance in spruce-fir forests of
the SARRMC intensive study sites—Mt. Rogers
National Recreation Area, Black Mountains and
Great Smoky Mountains. SARRMC-Southern Appalachian
Spruce-Fir Ecosystem Assessment Project, 67 pp.
Scherrer, H.U., H. Fruhler, and Felix Mahrer. 1981.
Ill-Alternative Verfahren für die Interpretation
von Fohrenschaden (Pinus silvestris L.) auf mit
tel masstablichen infrarot-Farbaufnahmen. Memoirs-
Eidgenossischen Anstalt fur das Forsliche
Versuchswesen, Birmensdorf, Switzerland 57:433-
Siccama, T.G., M. Bliss, and H.W. Vogelmann. 1982.
Decline of red spruce in the Green Mountains of
Vermont. Bull. Torrey Botanical Club 109:162-168.
Wear, J.F., R.B. Pope, and P.W. Orr. 1966. Aerial
photographic techniques for estimating damage by
insects in western forests. USDA Forest Service,
Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta.,
Portland, OR, 79 pp.
Weiss, M.J., L.R. McCreery, I. Millers, M. Miller-
Weeks, and J.T. O'Brien. 1985. Cooperative survey
of red spruce and balsam fir decline and mortality
in New York, Vermont and New Hampshire - 1984.
USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area, NA-TP-11,
53 pp.
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titut für Gesundheitwesen. Vienna, 80 pp. plus