Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

. For. Res. 
Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
t Interpreta- 
g von Fichte 
JLlgem. Forst 
tains of New 
Aspects of 
g of actual 
ng und Luft- 
ihre Erfas- 
n, E. and G. 
irben wissen. 
pp. 97-111. 
tigations to 
onditions of 
r irginia Agr. 
he spruce in 
)gy Bull. 28, 
1. J. Forest 
Acid deposi- 
nd Tech. 17: 
ruce budworms 
USDA Forest 
stry Service 
tatus of the 
and Tennes- 
v. State and 
-1-1, 12 pp. 
tates trees, 
. USDA Misc. 
sel zur Aus- 
mr die Wald- 
Lts 39:1093- 
en, and W.M. 
if red spruce 
, Forest Pest 
i, Fort Col- 
worth. 1985. 
• forests of 
—Mt. Rogers 
>untains and 
l Appalachian 
:t, 67 pp. 
[ahrer. 1981. 
L.) auf mit- 
len. Memoirs- 
.and 57:433- 
lmann. 1982. 
Mountains of 
1966. Aerial 
lg damage by 
est Service, 
Exp. Sta., 
, M. Miller- 
ative survey 
ind mortality 
lire - 1984. 
a, NA-TP-11, 
italitat des 
s Bundesins- 
80 pp. plus 
Field experience with different types of remote-sensing data 
in a small-scale soil and land resource survey in southern Tanzania 
Agrar- und Hydrotechnik GmbH, Essen, FR Germany 
ABSTRACT: During a small-scale agro-ecological land resource and soil survey for the Iringa Region in south 
ern Tanzania the advantages and imperfections of black & white panchromatic aerial photographs and two types 
of Landsat MSS imagery (standard false-colour composites, colour-enhanced imagery) were examined. Both types 
of satellite imagery turned out to be of little use in areas with high rainfall (900 - 1600 mm) and a dense 
vegetation cover, but they gave very good information in drier parts of the survey area (550 - 900 mm). The 
aerial photographs contributed little information on the flat parts of the drier areas. They were most useful 
in an intermediate zone with complex relief. Colour interpretation keys for the satellite imagery of selected 
areas were compiled. The results indicate that the validity of such keys is generally limited to relatively 
small, agro-climatically homogeneous areas. 
RESUME: Au cours d'une étude à petite échelle portant sur les sols et les ressources agro-écologiques de la 
Région d'Iringa dans le Sud de la Tanzanie, ont été comparés les avantages et inconvénients respectifs de 
photographies aériennes panchromatiques noir et blanc et de deux types d'images-satellite Landsat MSS (compo 
sitions colorées, l'une avec fausses couleurs standard et l'autre avec accentuation des couleurs). Les deux 
types d'images-satellite se sont révélés être peu utiles dans les zones à pluviométrie élevée (900 - 1600 mm) 
et à dense couverture végétale, mais par contre ont apporté beaucoup d'informations dans les zones plus 
sèches (550 - 900 mm). Les photographies aériennes n'ont livré que peu d'informations dans les zones sèches à 
relief très aplani. Par contre, elles ont été d'un grand intérêt dans une zone modérément humide à relief 
complexe. Des clés d'interprétation des couleurs des deux types d'images-satellite ont été élaborées pour 
deux zones sélectionnées. Il en ressort que la validité de telles clés d'interprétation est généralement res 
treinte à des zones peu étendues et agro-écologiquement homogènes. 
For a long time soil surveyors have successfully 
been utilizing remote sensing data for small-scale 
soil and land resource surveys. A considerable num 
ber of publications already exist about the appli 
cation of aerial photographs and satellite imagery 
for this type of mapping (Allan 1978, Carrol 1984, 
Goosen 1967, Hilwig 1982, Mathews et al. 1973, 
Nieuwenhuis 1978, Siegal and Goetz 1977, Thompson 
et al. 1984, van Sleen 1983, Westin and Frazee 
Relatively little, however, is published about 
the question of how different types of remote sens 
ing data stand the test in daily routine work and 
what their respective advantages and shortcomings 
are in different climatic and physiographic areas. 
During a small-scale survey of a large area in 
southern Tanzania some interesting field experience 
was gained which might help to reduce this informa 
tion gap. 
The survey area is located in the southwest of 
Tanzania. It comprises the Iringa Region except 
from the Ruaha National Park in the northwest and 
the Eastern Forest Reserve in the northeast of the 
region. The area totals about 46,000 sq km (by com 
parison: Switzerland 41,288 sq km). 
The area includes strongly different altitude le 
vels, landscapes and climates. It ranges from hot 
semi-arid savanna areas with Acacia-thornbush vege 
tation at 500 metres altitude up to warm -températe 
tropical highlands with tea plantations and alti 
tudes of almost 3,000 metres. For African standards 
the area is comparatively densely populated. 
The soils of the survey area vary from saline 
dark and red loams and dark cracking clays at the 
lower elevations up to very leached red and yellow 
clays at the higher altitudes. In some areas soils 
have developed from volcanic ash deposits. 
A land resource map (scale 1:250,000) and a soil 
map (scale 1:100,000) had to be produced within the 
frame of a regional agricultural development plan 
for the Iringa Region. The survey had to be carried 
out under typical consulting conditions, i.e. very 
tight schedule, almost no preparation time and li 
mited base information. 
The most important survey details are summarized 
in the following table. 
Table 1. Survey Details 
Total time available 
Fieldwork time 
Number of surveyors 
Observation density 
no specific. 
1/1000 ha 
Survey output p>er 
mapping day 
900 sqkm 
300 sqkm 
Time for fieldwork 
1 day / 
1 day / 
4200 sq km 
600 sq km 
The survey followed a two-step procedure: in the 
first step a map was compiled of agro-ecological 
zones and land units. This map was mainly based on 
the evaluation of climatic data, interpretation of 
satellite imagery, and a reconnaissance field sur 
vey. Beside the climatic information this map also 
includes some major soil boundaries. In a second 

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