Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
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Landscape methods of air-space data interpretation 
All-Union ’Lesprojekt’ Association, Moscow, USSR 
The landscape methods for air-space data in 
terpretation are based on the concept, that 
the Earth*s geosphere is the system of na 
tural territorial complexes (PTK). PTK are 
historically established and dimensionally 
Isolated unities of five basic interacting 
and interconditioned nature components: li- 
thogenic basis (earth*s crust), atmosphere, 
water, flora and fauna, developing under the 
guiding influence of the llthogenic basis* 
PTK are understood as any complete consist 
ing of five components natural unities inde 
pendently on their complexity; continents, 
geographical countries, regions, districts, 
landscapes, terrains, stows, facies* PTK are 
separated from each other by objectively 
existing natural borders and they are cha 
racterized by the morphological structure, 
that is by the natural combination and inner 
distribution of repeated PTK of lower rank, 
which are smaller and simpler in structure 
and which are genetically and dynamically 
conjugated* PTK are relatively homogeneous 
in age, history of their formation (genesis), 
dynamic trends of their development, morpho 
logical structure and ecological regimes* 
PTK are revealed on the basis of their li- 
thogenic base community in the range of re 
lief shapes, their elements, tectonic struc 
tures, etc* 
The principle aims of the landscape met 
hods for air-space data interpretation are: 
revealing PTK, studying their genesis, mor 
phological structure, ecology, natural bor 
ders along with the simultaneous ecologo-ge- 
netic and applied classification of the re 
vealed units* 
The essence of the structural and analytic 
method for forest interpretation is the com 
mon use of the most general features of lan 
dscape when analysing the PTK structure by 
air-space photographs* The most important 
are nine features (they are enumerated in 
succession of co-ordination) i*e* genetic 
unity; age homogeneity from big to small 
units; contingency of components; leading 
role of llthogenic base features; territori 
al contingency of natural components; coin 
cidence of components borders; recurrence 
(rhythmics) and its regularities; specific 
features of different natural complexes stru 
cture; similarity of the structure of units 
which are genetically and dynamically simi 
lar (See Diagram 1)* 
Concrete recommendations and approaches 
to revealing natural complexes, i*e* neces 
sity of the analysis and use of genetic and 
dynamic rows, study of contingency and recu 
rrence of natural complexes, method for keys 
of different scales, method of landscape in 
dicators and other more particular methods 
and approaches logically follow from the 
said landscape features* 
The use of landscape natural features for 
forest interpretation considerably enlarges 
the volume of diagnostic features and land 
scape indicators and allows to implement ad 
ditional mutual control of interpretation 
Diagram 1* Natural features of PTK—^ana 
lysis of landscape morphological structure 
Genetic unity 
Study of PTK genetic rows for revealing mo 
dem structure and explaining relic featu 
Study of genetic rows components within 
PTK types 
Increase of homogeneity (from large to 
small units)

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