Figure 8. Ratio of cumulative actual to potential 24
hour évapotranspiration over the entire growing season
of 1982 (ELE 24 /ELE 24 ) for grass and maize on Typic
Haplaquod soil with drainage class V depending on
groundwater table drawdown as calculated with the
SWATRE-model (after Thunnissen 1984b)
Water-tabel drawdown (cm)
Figure 9. Relative 24 hour évapotranspiration rate
(LE^^/LEp 4 ) on 30 July 1982 as calculated with the
SWATRE-model. A. grass on Typic Haplaquod soil with
drainage class V; B. for maize on the same soil with
drainage class VI depending on groundwater table
drawdown (after Thunnissen 1984b)
water table is present under natural conditions (Fig
ure 9A). For a relatively deep groundwater table crop
évapotranspiration of maize is, even under natural
conditions, low on 30 July 1982 and the effect of a
lowering of the groundwater table is then limited
(Figure 9B).
The results obtained with the remote sensing ap
proach are confirmed by the SWATRE-model calculations.
According to the remote sensing approach crop évapo
transpiration strongly decreases on 30 July 1982 in
the direction of the centre of the extraction in case
of shallow groundwater tables under natural conditions.
This is shown in Figure 7A. Figure 9A shows that also
according to SWATRE-model calculations for the con
cerning conditions crop évapotranspiration strongly
decreases with lowering of the groundwater table.
Also for relatively deep groundwater tables under
natural conditions both results show good agreement
(Figures 7B and 9B). If no suppletion from groundwater
occurs crop évapotranspiration is very low on 30 July
1982 and a lowering of the groundwater table has no
perceptible influence on crop évapotranspiration.
It can be concluded that with remote sensing de
tailed information about the regional distribution
of évapotranspiration on flight days is obtained.
With SWATRE-model calculations the occurrence of
drought damage can be explained. Thunnissen (1984b)
concluded that an important improvement of the hy
drological description of an area can be achieved by
integrating SWATRE-model calculations with remote
Information about the regional distribution of
évapotranspiration can also be obtained with regional
agrohydro logical simulation models like GELGAM (De
Laat and Awater 1978). The applicability of such a
model depends on the schematization. The size of the
grid cell applied in the GELGAM-model has been in
dicated in Figure 6.
It can be seen that within grid cells large varia
tions in évapotranspiration can occur. With model
calculation for each grid cell separately mean val
ues are obtained while with remote sensing informa
tion is obtained about the deviations which may oc
cur. In this way insight is obtained in the meaning
of results obtained with a regional hydrological
simulation model.
As in the Netherlands we have to deal with inten
sively used agricultural land an integrative ap
proach based on the application of remote sensing
and SWATRE-model calculations is preferred in water
management above the application of a regional agro-
hydrological simulation model as GELGAM.
With multispectral scanning remote sensing detailed
information can be obtained about land use and crop
water supply. A method has been developed for the
mapping of évapotranspiration from digitally taken
reflection and thermal images. The accuracy of an
évapotranspiration map obtained with remote sensing
is strongly dependent on the availability of an ac
curate crop map. The possibilities to distinguish
different crops is dependent on the growth stage.
This being the case a multi-temporal approach has to
be applied.
With some examples the applicability of remote
sensing techniques to determine effects of certain
water management measures has been demonstrated. For
a unique interpretation of remote sensing images
additional information is, however, indispensable.
The main advantage of remote sensing is, that the
actual crop water supply is registrated for large
areas. With models crop water supply can be simulat
ed for certain locations during the entire growing
season, while verification of the obtained results
on a regional scale is nearly impossible with con
ventional methods. Therefore an integrative approach
based on the application of remote sensing tech
niques and agrohydrological model simulations is
The possibilities of remote sensing techniques to
detect drought damage has been extensively investi
gated. In the near future damage caused by excess of
water has to be emphasized as in humid areas from
economical point of view this is an important prob
The application of MSS-techniques in practice will
mainly depend on the availability of useful and pay
able images. The satellites SPOT and LANDSAT 5 pro
vide reflection images with a spatial resolution
useful for different small plots (10-30 m). The
spatial resolution of thermal images obtained with
the TM-scanner on board LANDSAT 5, however, is 120
m. Moreover, especially for humid areas the temporal
resolution is questionable. The frequency is 16 days
and the time of acquisition (about 9.30 AM local
time) is far from optimal to detect drought damage.
The increase in crop temperature because of a reduc
tion in évapotranspiration is maximal in the early
arteiuuon. Before 11.Ou AM une temperature dirter-
ences caused by a lack of water in the root zone will
be small. For operational applications it is neces
sary that digital multi-spectral and thermal images
are recorded with a frequency of at least once in
every 5 days around midday with a spatial resolution
of about 15-20 m. A space-borne system with these