:3) shows a good
stands from the
ea is marked with
0 m), clearcuts
results in deline-
and other very
pes, were obtained
with the first two
ndsat MSS-imagery.
study on SPOT-sim-
st results of the
obtained by using
on techniques. I
d channel combin-
we can delineate
vegetation cover
within small areas, texture and patterns were better
detected, due to the higher spatial resolution for the
HRV-sensor compared to the TM-sensor.
I will on basis of this study expect that the second
generation and multilayer classification systems will
improve the capability of satellite data to serve as
a first stage in multistage land use and vegetation
inventory and monitoring systems.
Elven, R. & K.D. Vorren 1980. Flora and phytogeography
of the Habafjell-Skrubben area of Central Troms,
Northern Norway. Tromura, Naturv. 9: 1-64. Troms0,
Hame, T. 1984. Interpretation of deciduous trees and
shrubs in conifer seedling stands from Landsat ima
gery. XV Congress of the ISPRS, Commision VII, Pp
84-91. 1984.
Jaakkola, S. 1985. Possibilities for using satellite
imagery (including SPOT) in forest inventory and
management. Seminar on the practical application
of remote sensing in forestry. ECE - FAO - UN, May
1985. J0nk0ping, Sweden.
Lannelongue, N.G. & G. Saint 1981. Radiometric appro
ach. Sheet F2, Technical Appendix. SPOT Imagery Sim
ulation. Dep. des Public, Paris, France.
Reichert, G.C. & P.H. Crown 1984. Identification of
Winther Wheat Using Landsat MSS Data. Can. J. Re
mote Sensing 10 (2): 111-120.
Sadowski, F. & J. Sarno 1976. Forest classification
accuracy as influenced by multispectral scanner
spatial resolution. NASA CR - ERIM 109600-71-F.
Teillet, P.M., B. Quindon & D.G. Goodenough 1981. For
est classification using simulated Landsat-D Thema
tic Mapper data. Can. J. Remote Sensing / (1): Pp.
T0mmervik, H. 1985a. Rruk av fjernanalyse i vegeta-
sjonskartlegging anvendt pa et omrade i Indre Troms,
Nord-Norge. Cand.Scient. thesis. University of
Troms0, Norway. 234 pp.
T0mmervik, H. 1985b. Use of Landsat 5 TM Imagery in
Detection of Mixed Spruce Seedling Stands in the
Dividalen Area of Central Troms, Northern Norway.
Seminar on the practical application of remote sen
sing in forestry. ECE - FAO - UN. May 1985. J0nk0p-
ing, Sweden.
Landsat 5 TM and
lution between
sat 5 TM, new
level and accuracy
has shown that it
on cover types
Hoped, with an
e, in spite of the
re taken too early
the autumn. In
ication even went
riation in eco-
ation based on
ions was a very
on of imagery. The
ed by the TM-sen-
of TM were useful
ally for deline-
sor and the simu-
the two sensor-
to detect and map
a, due to the
TM-sensor compa-
sification of the
getation units