1 ), This is a practical study. It has been made a
success and effective way that the use of landsat
imagery and combined with airphoto which was used for
the detail of the area where was not clear on the
landsat imagery as well as refer to large scale topo
graph maps ( at 1:50000 scale ) and supplement cert-
tain field work to make land use map and specialistic
maps ( at 1:200000 scale).
2 ), The procedure of the interpretation and maping
as follow:
The preparation ( including the data and materials
were collected and basic maps as well as transparence
topographic maps were made ).
The interpretation ( including interpretation mark
were established by going to the field and in the lab.
and defined the standard of clssification and deline-
neated of the interpretation from landsat images ).
The going to the field for interpretation check.
The making final maps and caculating the areas.
3 ), The accuracy of identify were about 94« 1 per-
sent that was in comparison with airphotos.
4 ), This method of Song-nen plain natural resour
ces and land use invintory was correct, rapid, and
economical.The cost of this practical study of Song-
nen plain land use comparison with the cost of con*
ventional method was about 1/10 only.
Wang He-gen 1985. Arid land geography.Approching on
compilation method of land use map in medium and
small scale in Xinjiang by satellite photos.
Huang Zhi-liang 1984» Scientia geographica sinica.
Li Tai-ye Sc Zhu Shu-cai 1983- Agricultural Develop
mental Exploration. Shan-si province,
ain T. Woldai with an introduction by E B Vermeer 1979.
ITC Journal 1979-4.
which recoded in
id vagetation and
i, black brown
'ecorded in the
>cks and waste-
t,green,brown and
.se color compo-
sember, their
saline-alkali anc *
ow . ..i. and light
in any season,
sed in the low
were not.
.dentified by the
i false color
¡sources distra-
as rangeland map
ind present land
tral land consti-
i and the dry
% ofthe agricul-
4.54 % of the
istitued about
) of the range
ihers for grass
.ain that covered
ig or other pur-
covered by forest
¡ about 62.50 %
were about 37.5