Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

! Week 
Lecture (2-hours per week) 
Lab (2-hours per week) 
! • 1 
Introduction to topography 
Collection of Topographic 
: 2 
Coordinate Geometry COGO 
COGO algorithms 
: 3 
ii ii 
Topographic mapping 
; 4 
Introduction to digital 
Vector presentation of 
point, line, polygon 
: 5 
Vector/Raster conversions 
Raster presentation 
: 6 
Digital terrain modeling 
formation of DTM from raw 
: 7 
Thematic map design 
n ii 
: 8 
Introduction to GIS 
DTM contour interpolation 
: 9 
Structured random access 
files - data bases 
DTM perspective drawing 
: io 
Relational data base 
Simple data base constru- 
: ii 
Boolean operations 
ct ion 
: 12 
Data entry and processing 
n ii 
: 13 
Polygon overlays 
Thematic map from GIS 
BibI ioqraphy 
1. Dent Borden D. , 1985, Principles of Thematic Map Design", 
Addison-Wesley 398 pp. 
2. KouTcrônouXoç K. , 1988, 'Tecj-ypacpia xai AvdXuan Xwpou", EMT1. 
3. Monmonier Mark S., 1982, "Computer Assisted Cartography", 
Principles and Prospects, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 214 pp. 
The laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS has to cover multiple 
purposes such as: (Barnes G., J.C. Loon 1988) 
(a) Undergraduate instruction 
(b) Graduate level research 
(c) Support to the other sections of the Department 
The existing lab in the Depatrtment of Environmental Studies 
includes the following equipment: The ERDAS-PC system for image 
processing and the PC-ARC/INFO for GIS, both systems are mounted 
on a Compaq Deskpro 386S computer, thus covering part of the 
research needs. Peripherals to this system are an A3/A4 digitizer 
and a 6-pen A3/A4 plotter. There are also equipment such as com 
pass, stereoscopes which together with the microcomputer labora 
tory cover the undergraduate needs. The existing equipment pro 
vide, at the present, enough support to the other sections of the 
Department but as demand for more support increases the lab has to 
grow up more. The future expansion of the lab will include a net 
work of PC/XT/AT workstations with one or more supermicros or sup- 
erminles as servers which will host the GIS in order to provide 
support to the department.

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