Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

Emmanouel S. Kapokakis, Ph.D. 
Education, considered as a production line, should produce per 
sons with the potential to apply photogrammetry and/or remote sensing, 
with a minimum of specific site training. 
Photogrametry is a traditional and well practiced technology, while 
remote sensing is a continuously evolving one. Both disciplines, appart from 
their own strong interrelations, are supported by and interact with a 
series of high technology tools like computer science and up to date tech 
nology advances, geographic information systems, land surveying, GPS’s 
This paper examines how and in which degree education satisfies 
the specifications, where they exist or can be defined, of the actual con 
temporary professional practice, and concludes with a series of proposals. 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, two disciplines considered as 
separate though continuously approaching each other, are components of the 
complex system of Surveying and Mapping. 
Concerning Hellas, Photogrammetry is a traditional and well prac 
ticed technology mainly by the Public Sector and in a limited but not less 
significant extend by private firms.- Remote Sensing is a new and conti 
nuously evolving discipline. The relatively new production lines of both the 
public and the private sector, are in their first steps. 
Public and private sector employ and/or need qualified personel of 
all necessai v levels. The hellenic education system is supposed to provide 
competent persons to operate the production lines. Does the latter satisfy 
che actual needs of the former? Does the former provide stimuli to the lat 
ter to adjust quantity and level of instruction? In an attempt to answer 
these questions, the following subjects are being discussed:

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