March ,1989 for all Heads of Surveying Depart ments of institutions of
higher learning in SADCC and Directors of Governmental Survey and
Mapping Departments in SADCC Region. Because of different reasons, of
which the main was the financial problem, only a few invited
participants were able to come. Another approach has been taken by
the Survey Department of the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources
in Zambia, to arrange the Regional Technical Meeting for Directors of
Survey and Mapping Departments in Botswana, Malawi, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
and Zambia. The three days meeting with the most of the invited
participants, was held in Lusaka in February, 1990. One of the
session, hosted by the Department of Surveying at the University of
Zambia, was on the regional training. The main discussion of this
session concerned the regional cooperation, in post graduate and
B.Eng. programmes, and also, in the technical long and short term
training. A regional technical meeting on training, was recommended
to take place in end of 1990, in one of the patricipated countries,
before the next General Regional Technical Meeting wchich will be
held in February, 1991. According to the recent arrangements, this
meeting will be probably held in Malawi, in November, 1990.
Department of Surveying at the University of Zambia, has sent the
offer to the regional countries, where the surveying programme is
not available, with the proposal of two scholarships, sponsored by
SIDA, for two students each year, who will join the B.Eng, programme
in the Land Surveying at UNZA.
Development of African countries requires a great number of well
trained surveyors, in all areas of surveying and mapping, namely;
cadastral, hydrographic and engineering surveying, geodetic surveying,
photogrammetry, remote sensing, cartography and land information
management. Surveyors have to be trained in the higher and technical
institutions. Therefore, the cooperation and consolidation of all
possible sources and efforts is absolutely neccessary.
(1) Erik von Bahr, Evaluation of two SIDA - Supported Training
Programmes at the Univesity of Zambia, SIDA, Stockholm, December, 1987
(2) Larsson G.,Gustaffson J.E., Schylberg L., Institutional
Cooperation between the School of Surveying at the Royal Institute of
Technology (KTH) and the University of Zambia (UNZA), The Royal
Institute of Technology, Report 4/88, June,1988, Stockholm.
(3) Lugoe F. N. A Strategy for Self Sufficiency in Indegenous
Surveying and Mapping Manpower in the SADCC Region, Dep.of
Surveying, University of Zimbabwe, September, 1988
(4) Proceedings of the Regional Technical Meeting on Surveying and
Mapping, Survey Department, Ministry of Land & Natural Resources,
Lusaka, March, 1990.