Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

References (Selected) 
Note: The following abbreviations are used for oft used words and phrases. 
ASPRS (formerly ASP) = 
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 
CISM = Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping 
CGS = Coast and Geodetic Survey 
ISPRS (formerly ISP) = 
Phta = 
PERS (formerly PE) = 
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote 
Organisation européenne d'études photogrammétriques 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 
Photogrammetric Record. 
Ackermann, F. (1962-64): A Method of Analytical Block-Adjustment for 
Heights (Phta 19/8). 
Ackermann, F. (1966): On the Theoretical Accuracy of Planimetrie Block 
Triangulation (Phta 21/5). 
Ackermann, F. (1968): Gesetzmässigkeiten der Absoluten Lagegenauigkeit von 
Blöcken (BU 36). 
Ackermann, F.; Ebner, H. and Klein, H. (1973): Block Triangulation With 
Independent Models (PE 39/9). 
Allam, M.M. (1978): DTM Applications in Topographie Mapping (PE 44/12). 
Anderson, James M. (1964): Analytical Aerotriangulation Using Triplets 
(Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.). 
Anderson, James M. and McNair, Arthur J. (1966): Analytical Aerotriangu 
lation - Triplets and Sub-blocks (Phta 21/6). 
Anderson, Ralph 0. (1947): Photogrammetric Control Extension (Edwards 
Bros., Ann Arbor, Mich.). 
Arthur, D.W.G. (1959): Recent Developments in Analytical Aerial Triangu 
lation at the Ordnance Survey (PR 3/14). 
ASP (1978): DTM Symposium proceedings (Conference at St. Louis, Missouri). 
ASPRS (1980): Manual of Photogrammetry (4 th Ed.) 
Baarda, W. (1967): Statistical Concepts in Geodesy (Netherlands Geodetic 
Commission 2/4; Delft, The Netherlands).

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