Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

I agree completely that Com VI has a structural problem. 
Some groups may produce interesting papers, some other groups may 
not produce interesting papers. Nevertheless the fact that these people 
are actually working in their areas should not by any means be ignored 
and their work should be respected a little. 
in addition I think that at such meetings we need much 
broader discussion and all the WGs should be mentioned somewhere on 
the list, so that people will be able to persuade their bosses and have 
some real reasons to be sent abroad to attend the meetings. Otherwise 
you will always nave only very few patricipants. 
I think that education in our times is a little behindhand, It 
follows the structure of the 60's. Despite the technological revolution, 
education has not changed dramatically, fly opinion is that in education 
we have to concentrate on software development and to produce 
material in the classroom to arrouse interest in the students to know 
excactly what is going on inside the black box. In fact we don't need 
expensive hardware, almost all the proceedings in our profession can 
be simulated on a PC. 
As a Geographer I would like to elaborate a little on what 
prf. Ackermann and Konecny have already mentioned. I would like to say 
that compared with the last century when the boundaries between the 
sciences were clearly defined, now the differences in approaching 
various subjects such as Geography, LIS, GIS, Photogrammetry, RS, 
Geodesy have disappeared because of the computer revolution which 
broke down boundaries. So, what we have to do is to follow an 
interdiciplinary approach rather than a multidiciplinary.

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