Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

5 . V glance a( photogrammetry 
As was explained earlier, photogrammetry is imbedded into the overall structure. Table 3 
shows an extract of those subjects which are of particular importance to those students 
who wish to concentrate on photogrammetry. With modifications these courses could, 
constitute a curriculum for a Bachelor/Masters- oriented credit system program. 
Table 3 : 
Courses of particular relevance to the 
Courses and Contact Hours/Week 
Basic Subjects (see Tables 1 and 2) 
Mathematics (4) 
Physics (10) 
Geometry (2) 
Differential Geometry (2) 
Parameter Estimation (3) 
Algorithms and Data S true rare s (4) 
Computer Graphics (3) 
Spatial Information Systems (2) 
Cartography (4) 
Photogrammetry (4) 
Parameter Estimation (3) 
Spatial Information*Systems (3) 
Map Design and Mapping Technique (4) 
Digital Image Processing (2) 
Digital Sensortechnology (2) 
Photogrammetry (4) 
Electronics (4). Computer Vision (4), Data Bases (3), 
Photo gramme me Projects (4) 
Photogrammetric Project Studies (12) 
Seminar I, II (8) 
Satellite Remote Sensing (2) 
Fieldcourse, Photogrammetric Topic (4 weeks) 
Photogrammrric Networks (3). Precision Navigation [3), 
Computer Cartography (4), Projects in Spatial Information 
Systems (4), Digital Photogrammetry (4) 
In th:s paper we cannot give the many details of the important foundation and supporting 
courses. One example of a very useful new course is "digital sensor technology". In order 
to familiarise the reader with its goals and content a detailed description is given in the 

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