3. Configuration and contents:
3.1 The TPPO configuration: (see Fig 1)
The training package consists of:
- A training programme comprising:
. a trainee guide and an instructor guide
. a series of instructional booklets and floppy disks, each covering a
specific module (theory and practice)
. a set of training materials (e.g. stereograms, coordinate lists, etc.)
- A specially designed PC based Stereo Plotting Simulator (SPS) which:
. simulate the operations that can be executed on both analogue and
analytical plotters
. is trainee-friendly, thus speeding up learning and mastery of skills
. is less expensive than a production instrument
- Upon request, a special 10 weeks course at ITC to prepare the instructors
who will introduce the training package in their organizations and ensure
their continued utilization.
Fig.l: TPPO configuration