Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

Author (s) 
Technique for Determining Brightness 
and Spatial-Frequency Characteristics of 
Terrain from Aerospace Survey Materials 
L-M.Matiyasevich 167 
Photometrical Method 
of Optical1y-Uniform 
of Making the Maps 
Terrain Relief 
U ■ U.Kisi1ev 175 
V „ J. Martin i t sky 
L.« M - Mat i yasev i ch 
E.Maslovsky 183 
V-A.Suchtchenya 191 
U »I -Arkhipov 199 
N - F-Afanasyev 206 
АмО-Pertsov 213 
S . G « S1 и t s к a у a 
U.Schubert 224 
K.-H.Marek 227 
Joint Use of Spectrozonal and Radio- 
T h e r m a 1 Images if' Mi c rowave R a n g e i n 
Problems of Interpretation of Aerospace 
Survey Results 
Remote Sensing of Ecological Situations 
Application of Cosmic Photographs for 
Inventory and Map-Making of Natural 
Composition Coding of Remote Sensing 
Data f or Bevel oping Geoinf ormation 
T e ch no1ogie s o f ' Research of Nat ur a1 
Enviranmen t 
E f f i c i c? n t 7 e c hi n o 1 a g i e s for G e o 1 o g i c a 1 
P r o j e «::: t s a n d N a t u r e P r' o t e c t i o n S t u d i e s 
U s i n g A e r o / S p a c e P h o t o g r a p l"i y B a ta in 
Bistin guishab1e Betails in Air Photos 
P r o g r e s s i n S p a c e F’ h o t o g r' a p h y 
S 8 Design and Algorithmic Aspects of Digital Photogrammetric 
P r o g r e s s a n d F’ o t e n t i a 1 o f B i g i t a 1 
Photogrammetric Uorkstations 
BIPS II - Turning a Standard Computer 
into a Digital Photogrammetric Station 
H . A . B e y e r 
Consequences of the Photogrammetrical E-Pross 256 
Uiew of Solving Special Tasks in (GBR) 
Digital Photogrammetry with Serial 
Сотриt er s 
An Advanced Digital Stereophoto™ G.Koenig 262 
g г' (я m m e t r i c System ( A B S S ) — C u r rent U - N i c к e .1 
Ii e v e 1 o p m e n t s a t t h e T e c hn i cal U n i v e r ~ J - S t о r 1 
rs i t y of B e r 1 i n ( F R G )

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