If there is no horizontal area (or the area with the
known slope) on the photos , the value of brightness for it
can be obtained by calculations.
from the angles of incidence we can come to the matrix
of heights from which the map of relief in isolines can be
made. Fig.1 shows the geometry of radiation of an elemen -
tary section of surface under two positions of the Sun.
i t , ¿2 are the angles of incidence on inclined section of
surface, A o i > A=>2 are the azimuthes of the Sun, A is the
azimuth of the normal to the section of surface relative to
the Sun vertical plane on the first photo, S is the incli -
nation of the section of surface to the horizontal plane,
From consideration of the spherical A JIB C and A JfBD
the following relationships can be obtained
Fig.1 Geometry of radiation of elementary
section of surface.
H Q is the normal to horizontal plane; tl is the normal to
inclined section of surface, t 01 , l 02 are angles of in
cidence of sunrays falling on horizontal section of surface
COS i Q2 - Cos j 01 • cos JIB
cos JIB= Cos i 0l ■ cos i n + sin v, Sin L o Z Cos (