Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

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class of forests against the Nesterov’s or any other local 
scale . 
The algorithm is so formed that it does not require an 
any prior information, except for the knowledge over what 
kind of forest the transducer is: coniferous, mixed with 
coniferous species accounting for not less or more than 
40 c h or foliage . 
Realization of this algorithm requires the radiometer 
with wavelength range of 0.3 to 4 cm with terrain resolu 
tion from tens to hundreds of meters. 
The above-mentioned examples point to both expediency 
of attracting the microwave radiometric measurements for 
decoding the aerospace photos and possibility of solving 
the inverse problem: interpretation of radio-thermal infor 
mation for the purpose of construction of special (radio- 
thermal) terrain maps. 
'or operative solution of the above-mentioned uroblem; 
the programs have been worked out for the joint processing 
of photo— and radio-thermal images on the information re 
presenting complex "Swit-Izot”. The programs have been 
worked out for sequential and simultaneous display of 
photo- and radio-thermal images on the TV monitor screen 
die ir relative turning and scaling for the purpose of 
alignment of the images and determination of qualitative 
and quantitative characteristics of the objects being in 
vestigated (registergrams and hystograms of brightness cha 
racteristics in the preset cross-sections and over the 
field as a whole, their calibration, statistical charac 
teristics of elements of the images, etc.). The examples of 
the joint processing of images on the screen of the complex 
are shown in Figs 3, 4, 5, 6. 
Fig. 3. Image of terrain 
obtained with use of 
8-channel microwave radio 
meter. The end of the 
1-st stripe is the begin 
ning of the 2-nd stripe, 
and so on. Represented in 
the 4-th stripe is the re- 
gist ergram of the chan 
nel-3 signal showing the 
boundary "land—water M . 

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