An anaglyph approach is possible using red and green images; however this precludes the use of
colour images or overlays. Tektronix markets a polarising system in which the two images of the
stereopair are alternatively displayed on the monitor. This requires a TAAC board for fitting onto a
Figure 1. Proposed architecture for fast digital image processing.
Algorithm development and implementation
The software requirements of a DPW are shown in table 6. The main operations are broken down
into specific tasks.
Table 5. Software requirements for a DPW
INSTRUMENT OPERATIONS Stereo display, overlay vector images
Measure image co-ordinates
Operator interface
Edit and update database
ORIENTATIONS Transformation, bundle adjustement etc.
REAL TIME SUPPORT Measuring co-ordinates, identification of ground
control points, Validate products produced
Image enhancement;
Extracting features in ground co-ordinates;
Automatic identification and extraction of features
Control line following by automatic removal of x
OFFLINE OPERATIONS Computation of orientation parameters;
Stereo matching for DEM determination;
DEM manipulation;
Animation and simulation;
The operation shown in italics are those where development is required.
There are few problems remaining in implementing instrument operations. The systems which are
in existence demonstrate this. The larger systems such as the Kern DSP1, the Traster T10N and
the Context Mapper have a fully universal system. Use can also be made of the human interface
provided by computer manufacturers particularly the use of windows, icons, menus and pulldowns