Fig. 2 Transputer System
Programming a Transputer network
Using PARACOM hardware for a transputer network, there are mainly two different tools for hand
ling it: MultiTool from PARSYTEC which is based on the INMOS Transputer Development System
(TDS) and Helios from PERIHELION SOFTWARE, an operating system with a user interface much
similar to Unix.
MultiTool (PARSYTEC 1989) is a comprehensive development environment to support the pro
gramming of transputer networks using OCCAM as programming language. Other compilers
such as FORTRAN 77 or C are provided optionally. MultiTool is based on a folding editor that is a
powerful tool for structured software development, a file manager, the OCCAM compiler, and a
debugging system. Experience has shown that learning OCCAM is both not difficult and is facili
tated by the folding editor, especially in a Macintosh environment. The main problem is configu
ring the program for the network. A program only can run on a certain hardware configuration. If