resources, techniques, and appropriate support. Integration of
digital systems may require some organizational changes.
Support concerns the hardware, software, training, documents, etc.
The hardware of digital systems is simpler than that of the
analytical systems. Hence, it requires less support. The life-time
of electric- mechanical and of electronic components is much shorter
than that of mechanical and optical parts. Hence, the replacement of
the components should be scheduled accordingly.
The software support concerns modifications, extensions and the
corresponding documentation. Digital systems are more liable to
changes and expansion than the analytical ones. The required
training for operation and support of digital systems is more
demanding than that for analytical systems.
Cost addresses the purchase, operation and support of a system. A
comparison of the cost for the analytical and digital systems is
rather ambiguous, because their architectures and capabilities may
differ widely. Photogrammetric hardware of the analytical systems is
more expensive than that of the digital systems. The latter,
however, require in addition extensive image processing software,
mass- storage devices for images, fast communication lines, powerful
processors, and high quality image display monitors. The cost of
some of these components raises exponentially with the increase in
quality of digital images.
The software of digital systems is extensive and complex. The price
is usually high for the few initial generations of the system; then
it falls considerably.
At present, it can hardly be anticipated that digital systems would
cost less then comparable analytical systems. The aim of digital
systems is, however, to extend capabilities beyond those of the
analytical systems.
Bertram, S., 1965
"The Universal Map Compilation
Equipment (UNAMACE)", Phot. Eng. XXXI,
No.2, March 1965.
Cogan, L., Hunter, D., 1984 "Kern DSR1/DSR11 - DTM Collection and
the Kern Correlator", Kern, Aaran,
Drum, D.E., "Production Experience with
Elphingstone, G.M., 1978 the AS 11B-X Epipolar Plotter",
ASP/ACSM, 1978 - Fall Meeting
Helava, U., Seymour, R.H., "The DCCS Automated Mono