Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

When all measurements of a project have been completed, the measured data is 
output directly in the data formats of the most important programs for fur 
ther processing. These are the DEM programs SCOP and HIFI and the input for 
mat for the Z2 Orthocomp orthoprojector. An ASCII file with a flexible format 
is also available as an interface for further programs. 
TM and 4. Summary 
With the use of the P-Series PIanicomp as a data acquisition instrument for 
- digital mapping systems 
- geographic information systems 
- special photogrammetric measuring techniques 
a large variety of programs hitherto unparalleled in analytical plotters has 
p roc _ now become available. This range of powerful, application-oriented software 
c t de- is continuously improved and extended by Opton Feintechnik GmbH. The outstan- 
Qm The ding hardware of the P-Series PIanicomp with P-processor is also ideally 
Sj wa _ suited for the generation of special processing programs and drivers by our 
i n customers for existing plotting systems. These features guarantee that the 
versatility of the P-Series instruments will also continue to be enhanced in 
the future. 
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