Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

Dirigo Design 
The first assignment for the students was to decide on the essential components of an 
image processing system. Based on their remote sensing experience, they were to 
describe the software components for a digital image processing system designed to 
process remotely sensed data. These components should be structured into (a) 
absolutely essential; (b) necessary; (c) useful; and (d) "nice to have". The answers were 
discussed in class and modified based on these discussions (Table 1). 
Table 1: Components of an Image Processing System in Remote Sensing 
Absolutely Essential 
Display (CRT) 
Image File Management 
Geometric Correction 
* Registration 
* Rectification 
* Resampling 
* Point Operations (LUT) 
* Filtering (Spatial) 
* Density Slicing 
* Supervised 
* Unsupervised 
* Fast Fourier Transform 
* Principle Component Transform 
* Intensity-Hue-Saturation Transform 
* Linear Combination 
* Band Ratio 
"Nice To Have" 
All The Rest 
Teams were assigned to work on the components that were rated as essential and 
necessary (Figure 1). One of the most important design considerations was that all 
application software was to be accessible through a common user interface that should 
strictly adhere to Apple's Macintosh interface guideline. The interface should provide 
state-of-the-art interaction based on pull-down menus and use of the mouse wherever 
User Interface 
Complaints about user interfaces for image processing software packages have ranged 
from needlessly cumbersome to non-intuitive to downright cryptic. In the early stage of 
image processing, it was assumed that only the experienced user w&able to work with 
image processing software, especially with packages originating from the academic

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