Full text: Application of remote sensing and GIS for sustainable development

Saturation (IHS) transformation, further refinement in 
the information on natural resources could be made. 
Similarly, for monitoring changes that have taken place 
either due to developmental programmes or land 
degradation, image differencing and principal 
component analysis provide more objective assessment 
of such changes. 
Hitherto, only optical sensor data with a few broad 
spectral bands have been used to generate base line 
information on natural resources. The hyperspectral 
remote sensing with a potential to provide diagnostic 
capability of some natural features like minerals, 
vegetation, etc. will help refining the information 
generated on natural resources. 
Imaging the terrain in the presence of smoke, haze 
and cloud cover has been the major limitation of the 
optical sensor data. The microwave data with day-and- 
night observation; and cloud/haze/smoke penetration 
capability hold very good promise for generating 
information on crop coverage, floods, etc. during 
monsoon season. The polarimetric images generated 
from microwave energy with different polarization 
provide further insight into structure and flouristics of 
vegetation, soil properties and parent material 
(Skidmore, 1996). Further, radar interferometry is yet 
another tool that enables generating DEM which allows 
monitoring glaciers, volcanic eruption, mine subsidence, 
mudslips, etc. 
Being cost and time-effective, the satellite-based 
communication system helps in improving the literacy of 
rural masses. Besides, space technology provides 
valuable information on meteorology which is very 
useful in weather forecasting and disaster management. 
Further, it helps in search-and-rescue operations. The 
Indian National Satellite System (1NSAT) a multi 
purpose satellite has been catering to the requirements of 
communication, meteorology, T.V. and radio broad 
casting. Satellite-based navigation is yet another area 
wherein space technology has contributed significantly. 
Integration of information on natural resources, 
socio-economic and climatic conditions and other 
related ancillary information in a holistic manner for 
prescribing locale-specific intervention for a given area 
is very crucial. Geographic Information System (GIS) 
offers the capability of integrating spatial and attribute 
data and subsequent generation of action plan/develop 
mental plan for sustainable development. 
Having realised the importance of integrated 
approach for sustainable development, the Department 
of Space, Government of India in collaboration with the 
State Governments had initiated pilot studies in 21 
districts covering 203,000 sq. km and representing 
diverse terrain, agro-climatic conditions and social and 
cultural practices apart from very often affected by 
drought, in the year 1987, to find scientific and lasting 
solution to mitigate drought following the unprecedented 
drought in many parts of the country during the period 
1985-87. Based on encouraging results of the pilot 
projects, such study was extended to another 153 
districts covering 549,496 sq. km spread over in 25 
states at the instance of Planning Commission, Govt, of 
India - the highest policy decision making body, under a 
national project titled “Integrated Mission for 
Sustainable Development (IMSD)”. For ease of imple 
mentation of the action plan in phased manner in these 
selected districts, initially it was decided to identify a 
priority block in each district for the study. (A block is 
an administrative unit covering an area ranging from 
1000-1500 sq. km). Subsequently, 80 blocks spread over 
in 80 districts covering 85,339 sq. km have been selected 
on a priority basis for taking up such study. 
7.1 Database 
For generating information on land and water 
resources, the Linear Imaging Self-scanning (LISS-II) 
data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (1RS-1 A/lB) 
in the form of False Colour Composite (FCC) prints at 
1:50,000 scale and digital data (Computer Compatible 
Tapes) have been used in conjunction with ancillary 
information, namely published reports, thematic maps, 
etc. and adequate field check. Information on slope has 
been derived from 1:50,000 scale Survey of India 
topographical sheets. For appreciation of climate of the 
area, meteorological data available with the India 
Meteorological Department/respective district or taluk 
(an administrative unit) headquarters have been made 
use of. Besides, information on demographic and socio 
economic conditions has been taken from the published 
records by the concerned departments. 
7.2 Approach 
The holistic approach essentially involves genera 
tion of thematic maps on land and water resources and 
their integration with the socio-economic data to arrive 
at locale-specific prescription for land and water 
resources development. Various steps involved are 
described hereunder : 
7.2.1 Generation of Thematic Maps 
Thematic maps on hydrogeomorphological condi 
tion, soil resources and present land use/land cover have 
been generated through systematic visual interpretation 
and/digital analysis of IRS-IA/B LISS-II multispectral 
data (with 36.25 m resolution) in conjunction with the

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