Full text: Application of remote sensing and GIS for sustainable development

The technology development scenario and user 
requirements during the nineties, has necessitated the 
launch of second generation remote sensing satellites. 
In the GIS environment all the criteria in the data 
base are to be stored and linked with all the soil units. 
Based on expert system, a rule is to be framed following 
the Tejwani (1976) and Klingebiel and Montgomery 
(1961). Different land capability class as well as land 
irrigability class are to be assigned. Two case studies 
from Pithoragarh and Chandigarh area were 
The present paper highlights the concept and 
potentiality of remote sensing and GIS techniques with 
few case studies for land evaluation for specific 
purposes and alternative land use planning. Using 
similar means land capability classes soil and land 
irrigability classes can be evaluated using remote 
sensing and GIS. 
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