S.K. Subramanian
NRSA, Hyderbad
Surface water and ground water are the two major
components of the hydrologic system with different but
interrelated geoenvironmental characteristics. Even
though, many parameters are essential for identifying
the potential and quality aspects, the geomorphology
plays an important role in identification, classification
and monitoring of the ground water resources.
Conjunctive use of both surface and ground water
resources in any hydrologic unit like watershed or a
river basin, over a heterogeneous terrain, can lead to
significant economic advantages. The optimal ground
water development, on a sustainable basis, needs to have
an integrated modelling approach where hydrogeo
morphology plays a lead role. Based on the landform
characteristic, the variation occurs both on surface and
subsurface which can be measured on the field and by
using remote sensing techniques. Even though the field
measurements in exploration, exploitation and
monitoring of water resources are more accurate, the
time and cost involved is a question of debatable area.
Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a mechanism using
indirect methods and evaluate the same in the field
wherein an acceptable accuracy can be achieved.
The quantitative method in assessing the ground
water resources depends on the following parameters
viz. Geology and Soils covering the detailed study of
geological formations on various litho units, structural
features, aquifer geometry, hydrological characters of
formation, soil type and their role, bore hole lithologs;
Hydrometeorology on the assessment of weather cycle,
climate, rainfall, évapotranspiration, relative humidity,
soil moisture, wind velocity and climatic influences over
water resources. Hydrogeological characters like aquifer
types, flow patterns, water level fluctuation, deter
mination of aquifer transmissivity, storativity, specific
capacity of aquifer and the hydrogeomorphological
aspects on the topography, drainage, slope aspects and
gradient, hydrogeomorphic unit, hydrological
significance of geomorphic features are important in
ascertaining the quantitative potential of ground water.
However, for assessing the quality, the hydrogeo
chemical and hydrogeophysical characters of the aquifer
are necessary.
Remote Sensing technology with its recent
developments in imaging sensors has got the capability
to acquire timely and up to date data regarding the
terrain conditions for extracting the information on
ground water potential zones. This is mainly due to the
fact that it can furnish information on multiple aspect of
terrain like geomorphology, geology, physiography,
vegetation cover, soils, drainage etc. Further relief, slope
and aspects of various land forms play a dominant role
in assessing the potential and to some extent quality of
ground water. The morphometric data from remote
sensing and field become vital information in ground
water assessment models.
Steps involved in Modelling of Ground Water
A ground water model is a simplified represen
tation of the actual geohydrological system. It has two
components - first being the flow characteristics
focusing on the recharge characteristics, fluctuation of
water level due to draft, precipitation etc. which means
the potential aspects alone. The second part deals with
the chemical components, flow especially the pollutant
transport in a medium. Different mathematical models
are used to simulate the ground water condition keeping
in view of the inter related parameters and to forecast
the head, flow characteristics in former case and water
quality changes that can occur under different types of
stress imposed over a region in the latter case. Models
can provide valuable directions in solving specific
problems like -
a) Estimation of recharge from canals, tanks,
reservoir, field ponds etc.
b) Monitoring the aquifer conditions for different
rates of pumping
c) Assessing the inter-relation network of wells
d) Assessing the interaction between inter watershed
boundary and their aquifer condition and their flow