Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

possible to update the texts with larger frequency, in agreement developed by INPE Image Processing Division, dedicated to , 
with the progress of the technology. The educational notebooks image processing and GIS. j 
can be reproduced freely, so long as the author is mentioned I 
and that they are not used commercially. EDUCA SeRe III PROJECT - Generation of Poster-image « 
for the Teaching of Remote sensing 
The first educational notebook is available in SELPER/Capitulo j 
Brasil Homepage (http://www.ltid.inpe.br/selper/frame.html) in This project aims to create a series of Poster-images, f 
the “Material Educational” area. The notebooks title is “Space approaching several applications of remote sensing in the area r 
Programs, Optics Sensor Systems, LANDSAT”. The notebook of natural resources, in such a way that they form an atlas, to be 
is available in portugues and Spanish, an english version is used as educational material. j 
under preparation. The second notebook, is under preparation ^ 
as well, it will focus on remote sensing history. The specific objectives of the project are : 
EDUCA SeRe II PROJECT-CD ROM for the Teaching of to make use of satellite images for the generation of a 
Remote Sensing geographical atlas to be used as educational material in primary, $ 
secondary and tertiary teaching; n 
This project aims to create CD ROM’s with remote sensing to make accessible in a wide way and at a low cost, educational t) 
images, in the digital form, to be used as educational material at material for the teaching of remote sensing and of natural 
primary, secondary and tertiary teaching for the public in resources; t( 
general. for the availability, in a cheap and accessible way, to the 
community in general, remote sensing data dedicated to the ^ 
The specific objectives of the project are: natural resource area. a 
make available remote sensing data, in the digital form, at a low Several thematic series can be created, with colored c 
cost; compositions of satellite images, in the scale 1 : 1000.000, that, 
to acknowledge the public in general satellite images in the when are completed, form a geographical or thematic atlas : 
digital form; j 
to diffuse the use remote sensing data, as educational material, Series 1 - Poster-images of the state capitals of a country $( 
for secondary and tertiary teaching. Series 2 - Poster-images of the capitals of all the countries of a 
continent j r 
The use of remote sensing data in the digital form, as Series 3 - Poster-images of the remote sensing ^ 
educational material, allows that practical exercises are applications for natural resources (agriculture, land use, S( 
accomplished, about natural resource applications, in geology, geomorphology, soils, etc) ^ 
undergraduate courses and technical schools. This possibility Series 4 - Poster-images of examples of products of ditferent ^ 
that students, at technical level as well as superior, already leave sensor systems g ( 
properly prepared in the use of this technology at their Series 5 - Poster-images of existent natural ecosystems in each r£ 
professional activities. country 
In this project several series of CD ROM’s can be created, The total of reproduction of 5000 copies of each poster is US$ ^ 
dedicated to specific thematic applications. In Brazil, a series of 6,250.00, which is US$ 1.50 per copy, and could be marketed t£ 
Brazilian Capitals is being developed, that comprises colored for R$ 4,00 or R$ 5,00, which allows that the students acquire t£ 
images, 3 channels, of the 26 Brazilian state capitals and the them with their own allowance. Greater the number of copies of 
Federal Capital and a series of South American Capitals, with each poster-image, less is the cost per unit. j 
images of the capitals (13) of all South American countries and Sl 
an NOAA/AVHRR image, embracing the whole South EDUCA SeRe V PROJECT - Generation of Video for m 
American continent with the political divisions of the countries. Teaching of remote Sensing a j 
Series referring to applications to natural resources, remote This project aims to create educational videos, approaching m 
sensing foundations, sensor systems, etc. can also be created. several remote sensing applications in the natural resource area, 
to be used as educational material in primary and secondary A 
If 5000copies of each CD ROM are generated, the unitary cost remote sensing teaching. ^ 
will be around US$ 15.00 
The specific objectives of the project are : 
The first CD ROM serie is under preparation, it is about the ^ 
Brazilian State capitals and Federal District. The CD ROM to make use research project results developed in the remote se 
content is a text about the Brazilian regions, Brazilian states and sensing area to generate educational video scripts; re 
States Capitals, LANDSAT system and EDUCA SeRe Program. to use the researcher to participate in the video, approaching the ^ 
There is also the SPRING Software, that is a Brazilian software, teachers and students; 0 j 

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