Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

to make use of the existing communication course infrastructure 
in several universities for video generation; 
to generate educational material in the remote sensing area that 
shows the researchers in real work situations 
In this project, referring video should be created towards the 
foundation of remote sensing, sensor systems and video about 
remote sensing applications to natural resources. 
EDUCA SeRe IV PROJECT - Generation of Slide and 
Transparencies Sets for the Teaching of Remote sensing 
This module aims to create slides and transparencies sets, 
approaching the foundations and the applications of remote 
sensing in the natural resource area, to be used as educational 
material in the primary, secondary and tertiary remote sensing 
to generated slides and transparencies sets on remote sensing 
foundations to be used as educational material; 
to generate slides and transparencies sets about remote sensing 
applications to be used as educational material; 
to make available this type of educational material, at a low 
cost, in such a way that the teaching institutions can form a 
collection of didactic material; 
The themes to be approached by these slides and transparencies 
sets are : 
introduction to remote sensing; 
foundations of remote sensing; 
sensor systems; 
spectral behavior of natural targets; 
digital images processing; 
remote sensing applications to natural resource. 
These slides and transparencies sets can be marketed at the cost 
of US$ 20,00 each, cost that is not very high and allows that a 
teaching institution acquires more than a group or that the 
teacher himself forms a private collection. 
The EDUCA SeRe PROGRAM will have a 4 year duration, in 
such way that it can collect funds, to make partnership and to 
motivate professionals and institutions to take part in it. It is 
also the necessary time to evaluate the impact provoked on the 
formation of new users of remote sensing, with educational 
material, with regional languages and examples. 
At the end of the EDUCA SeRe PROGRAM it is expected 
that : 
the primary, secondary and tertiary teaching communities use 
this educational material in disciplines that approach remote 
sensing, environment, natural; resources, geography, urban 
regional planning and cartography; 
the universities or even their teachers form their own collection 
of didactic notebooks, CD ROM’s videos, slides, poster-images 
and transparencies to be widely used in classrooms; 
the secondary and tertiary students also acquire this educational 
material, mainly the notebooks, CD ROM’s and poster images, 
and form their own collection , using them at their schoolwork; 
due to the fact that this educational material is generated at a 
low cost, facilitating its acquisition on the part of the teachers 
and students, to have a larger diffusion of the remote sensing 
data among the student community, motivating them to futurely 
make use of this technology in their professional life, 
the universities or even their teachers form their own poster- 
image collection, obtaining like this, a personal atlas or as part 
of the schools collection, to be widely used classrooms; 
the secondary and tertiary students also acquire these poster- 
images and form their own atlas, using them at their 
that the atlases formed with the poster-images and the CD 
ROM’s can also be used by managers, planners, mayors, 
politicians, decision makers, opinion formers, tour agencies, at 
their professional activities; 
that the generated videos can serve as educational material in 
the undergraduate courses in the natural resource areas and to 
make learning more interesting; 
that the teaching institutions form collections with the generated 
slides and transparencies, and that these are widely used by the 
teachers in the disciplines that involve natural resource; 
that more professionals and teaching institutions are motivated 
to generate educational material, at a low cost, for remote 
sensing teaching, becoming a regular practice in these 
One of the main reasons presented by teaching and research 
institutions to not generate educational material is the lack of 
funds, this could be solved in the following way : 
to form partnerships with the space agencies, that make 
available the satellite data, technical texts already ready and 
elaborated for other purposes, but that could serve as a 
consultation source for the generation of educational material; 
elaboration of part of the text or materials that would be used in 
the development of the educational material, 
with private universities, private consultants, research institutes, 
scientific societies, publishers of books and magazines, 
journalistic companies, television networks, non governmental 
organizations. Each one of these institutions could participate 
with a quota in money or in services; 
to invite researchers to write the technical texts or part of them; 
to use secondary and university level trainees, to help make the 
educational material, mainly trainees of the computer science, 
pedagogy, arts and natural resource areas; 
to motivate master and doctorate students, of the several natural 
resource and pedagogic areas to develop projects to elaborate 
educational material. 
And to remind mainly that: 
the largest obstacle for the generation of educational material is 
not the lack of money, but basically of professionals interested 
in being devoted to this task;

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