Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

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Selection of 
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Description of 
the key word. 
Fig.3 Key word search procedure 
2.2 Functions 
In order to optimize the use of the contents, several kinds of 
functions are prepared for RS Navi as follows. 
• Hyper text search With the use of Borland Database 
Engine, required key word can easily searched from the 
• Simple image display 
This software includes simple image display function, 
including zoom down, zoom up, and scroll. (See Fig. 4) 
• . Tagging 
User can put tags in any page of the database, so the user 
can get back to the important pages easily. 
2.3 Required computer environment 
The RS Navi requires the following computer environment. 
• CPU: 80486 or higher 
• RAM: 24MB or more 
• HDD: 6MB or more 
• Display size: 1024x768 
• OS: Windows95/98 or WindowsNT 4.0/3.51 
Borland Database Engine (BDE will be provided with 
RS Navi) 
In order to verify the usefulness of the RS Navi, one day 
training of remote sensing for beginners were performed 
using RS Navi. Within two hours of introduction, all the 
participants could understand how to use RS Navi. After the 
introduction, the participants started to learn the details of 
the contents by operating the system by them selves. 
The RS Navi is a unique software for remote sensing 
education. RS Navi is not a data processing software. It is 
more like a text book, and more than just a text book. The 
beginners can understand the procedure of remote sensing 
data analysis by following the description of each step of 
the flowchart. The hyper text function and layered 
information database allow beginners to understand the 
details of each steps according their interest.

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