International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999
Full Professor, DIIAR Director
E-mail : direz@idra5. iar polimi. it
Raffaella BRUMANA
E-mail: brumanar@
3" d year Course of Doctorate
E-mail : fregol@idra5. iar. polimi. it
DEAR Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica Ambientale e del Rilevamento - Sezione Rilevamento
Politecnico di Milano Leonardo da Vinci 32 - 20133 Milano
Giorgio Vassena
E-mail : vassena@bsmg. ing. unibs. it
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile
Unversita' degli Studi di Brescia
Via Branze, 38 - 25123 Brescia (BS)
Commission VI, Working Group VI/3
KEY WORD : Survey, Quarries, Computation of volume, GIS Management.
This paper describes the study realized by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica Ambientale e del Rilevamento of the
Politecnico di Milano in order to define the most suitable procedures to carry out the survey and the calculation of the volume of
the quarries.
In the first step of the research it has been set up the theoretic aspects of the problem and it has been focused the methodology, as
explained in the paper .
In the second step it has been built up the application and experimental phase: due to this aim it has been chosen three typologies
of quarries. Particularly it has been decided to work on one open quarry, on one quarry at the ground water table at the stratum
superficial and on one quarry with mixed and different characteristics. These three samples don’t exhaust the whole of the possible
case studio but define a generalisation to which all the surveys of a quarry can be traced back.
Particularly it is here related the different surveys phases, from the realization of the network to the survey of the detail, using
advanced instruments and technology. The reliability of the output of the survey is the condition to obtain to support the valuation
of the volumes and the analysis of the variation in the time in function of the subsequent surveys at the different temporal phases.
A standard and appropriate methodology can become an agile real time instrument for the advancing of the extractive activity: GIS
technology could be used by both public administration and private subject to of the work organization and of control in the time.
The research here related is the result of a collaboration
contract between the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica
Ambientale e del Rilevamento of the Politecnico di Milano and
the Local Government of the Provincia of Milano in order to
define the most suitable procedures to carry out the survey, the
calculation of the volume of the quarries located in the territory
of the Provincia and the GIS data management to support the
control in the time of the area of extraction. For this matter
three sample quarries has been chosen in order to allow to
focus and solve the different problems that can be met during
the work.
The quarries cover different areas (from 15 hectares to 35
hectares). The procedures here tested and suggested could
become a protocol of management of all the quarries in the
Lombardia Region (about one hundred).