International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999
Luigi Mussio* Rossella Nocera** Danielapoli *
*DIIAR - Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32-20133 Milano, Italy
** DIEMA - Universita degli Studi di Reggio Calabria
Via Emilio Cuzzocrea, 48 - 89100 Regiio Calabria, Italy
ISPRS Commission VI - Working Group 1
Key words : Education, Data processing, Segmentation techniques and relational strategies
Data processing, in the field of information technology, requires new tools, involving discrete mathematics, like data compression,
signal enhancement, data classification and understanding, hypertexts and multimedia (considering educational aspects too), because
the mass of data implies automatic data management and doesn’t permit any a priori knowledge. The methodologies and procedures
used in the class of problems concern different kinds of segmentation techniques and relational strategies, like clustering, parsing,
vectorization, formalization, fitting and matching, on the other hand, the complexity of this approach imposes to perform optimal
sampling and outlier detection just at the beginning, in order to define the set of data to be processed: rough data supply very poor
information. For these reasons, no hypotheses about the distribution behavior of the data can be generally done and judgement should
be acquired by distribution-free inference only.
ET AL., 1997)
As a matter of fact, history tells that nothing is definitely over in
technique and nothing is forever acquired. The critical attitude
drives not only to be severe in the judgement of the past, but
also to be rightly and objectively fair in the judgement of
present tendencies. These tendencies can be affected by trends
and pressures that don’t come from the intimate structure of the
technique and aren’t the logical and unavoidable development
of it. When the technique loses this objectivity of judgement, it
also loses the capability to be close to the reality of the world of
today. It loses the fact that it should mainly take into account
the social utility of their products; i.e. they should help
humanity to live better in this world. The life of human on the
earth is undermined by a technique that doesn’t put the human
life itself at the centre of its attention.
Data processing could become one of the totems of the present
day. People give data processing and its enormous scope the
task of solving many operational problems, of making really
objective choices, of obliging the local authorities to perform
rational and optimal intervention. Data processing, with its
powerful equipment that would seem able to find the solution
for every problem, has to be afraid mainly of its exasperating
omnipresence, its ambitious independence and its underhand
quantitative axiomatization.
Data processing should be careful not to suffocate the reality of
the product with its formal strictness that is often the result of
many theoretical and practical compromises. Hoping to be not
misunderstood, data processing is need, it must be enlarged and
deepened as much as possible, but the final judgement of the
practical results must be critically referred to reality. The
evaluation must be critical, on the basis of experimental data
realistically obtained by experimentation, of what this data
processing can give.
Data processing is necessary, but has to be critically evaluated.
The simulation of many experimental data is one of the best
possibilities offered to the technical operator by the power of
data processing. However simulating something means to know
already what is committed to the simulation; to this knowledge
already acquired, the simulation doesn’t add too much: it just
allows a little less subjective choice.
Today data processing, in the field of information technology,
requires new tools, involving discrete mathematics, like data
compression, signal enhancement, data classification and
understanding, hypertexts and multimedia (considering
educational aspects too), because the mass of data implies
automatic data management and doesn’t permit any a priori
knowledge. The methodologies and procedures used in this
class of problems concern different kinds of segmentation
techniques and relational strategies, like clustering, parsing,
vectorization, formalization, fitting and matching.
On the other hand, the complexity of this approach imposes to
perform optimal sampling and outlier detection just at the
beginning, in order to define the set of data to be processed:
rough data supply very poor information. For these reasons, no
hypotheses about the distribution behavior of the data can be
generally done and a judgement should be acquired by
distribution-free inference only.
The figure, enclose at the end of the paper, illustrates, step by
step, the nearest neighbor procedure which is central in many
methodologies and technicalities, presented in the follows.
Notice that the actions of looking, seeing and recognizing,
together with the aggregate of elements, like observer, point of
view, scene objects, figures, etc., belong to the concept of
vision, both concerning the problematic of Psychology and
involving the field of Machine Vision. Anyway the authors
should state that more information about very general
methodologies and procedures, concerning the field of
information technology, is still an open problem.