International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III. Vienna. 1999
UNISPACE 111 - ISPRS Workshop on
“Resource Mapp ing from Space ”
9:00 am -12:00 pm, 22 July 1999, VIC Room B
Vienna, Austria
represented the auxiliary etalon. Aggregated CLC90 data with
the Landsat MSS were visualised in the right window. CLC70
database was created gradually, polygon after polygon, based on
the identified shape and size changes of the corresponding land
cover classes. Identified change in CLC70 database was
accepted only in case if the area of the changed polygon was
larger than 4 hectares. Identification also respected the requests
of spatial characteristics of the generated database in the sense
of the CLC project methodology, i.e. the resulting polygon had
to comply with the criterion of the minimum area 25 hectares
and the minimum width 100 metres. In this stage also the
original CLC90 database was revised while the occasional
corrections (modifications) of the original CLC90 database
were also realised in the newly created CLC70 database.
Mosaicking of the individual map segments of CLC70 resulted
in a single data layer. While aggregating the segments the
control procedures and correction of physical and logical
integrity of the data were carried out using the Avenue scripting
language. These included elimination of the polygons not
complying the area request, correction of aggregation
inconsistencies, etc.
In the next stage the CLC70-90 change database was created by
overlying the CLC70 and CLC90 data sets. The resulting
database was tested on presence of polygons not complying
with criterion of the smallest 4 ha area. The polygons smaller
than 4 hectares were excluded following the border tests while
the condition was to preserve the original structure of CLC90.
The only exception of the quoted criterion were the polygons
artificially limited by the state border.
2.2 Methodology of the landscape changes
The classes of CLC70-90 change databases were reclassified
into 7 types of landscape changes according to the conversion
table (see Tab. 1).
The statistics - contingency tables (see Tab. 2) - were calculated
using standard GIS cross-tabulation procedures, the first
expressing the changes in hectares, the second the same in
percentage. They express thematic re-distribution of individual
classes within the studied period.
Spatial intensity of landscape changes was expressed by a set of
8 maps (7 maps - individual type of changes, 8 map depicts the
total area of all 7 types of changes), at original scale 1:3 million.
The maps show spatial extent of changes recalculated to a grid
with resolution 1.5 x 1.5 km. The four intervals of the landscape
changes spatial intensity were considered. (Feranec et al. 1999):
1. 76-100 % of the grid cell area was changed - full change,
2. 25-75 %
substantial change,
3. 1-24%
minor change,
4. 0 % “ - no change.
Tab. 1 Conversion table (Feranec et al. 1999)
no change
intensification of agriculture
extensification of agriculture
urbanisation (industrialisation) -except transition to class 131
enlargement (exhaustion) of natural resources -transition to class 131 onlv
affore staton
de fore stafion
other antropogenic causes (recultivations, dump sites, unclassified change, etc.)
CLC - levell
1 artificial areas
2 agricultural areas
3 forest and semi-natuial areas
4 wetlands
5 water bodies
CLC nomenclature (Hevmann et al. 1994)
1. Artificial surfaces
1.1. Urban fabric
1.1.1. Continuous urban fabric
1.1.2. Discontinuous urban fabric
1.2. Industrial, commercial and transport units
1.2.1. Industrial or commercial units
1.2.2. Road and rail networks and associated land
1.2.3. Port areas
1.2.4. Airports
1.3. Mine, dump and constructions sites
1.3.1. Mineral extraction sites
1.3.2. Dump sites
1.3.3. Construction sites
1.4. Artificial, non agricultural vegetated areas