Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
№■№№№ New content J.ntent 
p) Image management 
Please select wiich kind of page content you wish to cr« 
Typical page content 
O (r^~l Re 9 u l ar text element 
A regular text element with header and bodyt« 
r\ Text with image below 
IQ...1 Regular text element with a field which can contain any number of 
images which are positioned below the text. 
n Text with image to the right 
Like above but with the images placed to the right of the text with the 
text wrapping around the images. 
Q-j Images only 
contain any numbe 
with caption. Like the 
bullet list. 
A simple table with up to 8 columns. 
Fig. 13 
So select from the flip box the entry “Advanced” and after a 
further inquiry which we confirm, we see the following 
window.(Figure 11) 
Fig. 11 
Here we put content into the fields and then we click the “save 
and close” button ^1 Thus our main page has been set up. 
So what we need to do next is to put content into the main page 
itself and the sub pages. The steps for creating content are 
always the same. So when you’ve done it once there will be no 
more mystery to you. Now let us create content for the page 
called “Working Group 7”. The page has been probably set up 
as shown before and so we can put a little “life” into it. 
Here you select the major type of content you’d like to place in 
the page. For example we select “Text with image to the right”. 
After selecting this content element we see the screen below 
(Figure 14). Here we place our content into the corresponding 
fields. The image will be automatically loaded up. 
Fig. 14 
To start just click on the page title in the page tree on the left 
side of the window. A screen as shown in figure 12 appears. 
By selecting the “Create page content” button the window to fill 
in the new content will be opened. (Figure 11) 
A great advantage is that you can also decide which size the 
image should have just by entering the “width” of the image. 
Furthermore you can put a caption to the image and other 
different options. When everything is done submit your input by 
clicking the save and preview - or the save and close button. 
The formatting, the general layout and the appropriate 
placement will all be done by the system, so you don’t have to 
worry about these things. 
Let the page tree grow... 
Last but not least I’d like to explain how you can create a new 
page into or inside your page tree. Because you can not destroy 
the system in general there will be no risk of using the old 
fashioned “try and error” method. So the next steps are just an 
advice to create new pages and content. 
Select the page tree node where you would like to place your 
new page. For example we want to put a page with the title

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