Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
5.5 Web Studies 
A web portal will play an intermedia role for web based 
applications and a presentable interface to disseminate 
and display all the information in databases, videos, 
photos, documents, geographical reference points, maps; 
plans and graphic informations. 
5.6 Using and Sharing the Obtained Results 
For the benefit of the future generations there are other 
ways to disseminate the information obtained from this 
project. The following will show the other ways our team 
will employ: 
a. Our team will design a special historical game 
covering the results, photos, satellite maps, 
animations, graphics we obtained from this 
project. This way not only the future 
generations but also the adults will make a fun 
way to learn more about the history of this area. 
b. Our team will also concentrate on the education 
of children. The valuable information obtained 
from this project must be presented in 
educational CD-ROMs and via internet as 
distance learning project. This way public make 
use of this valuable knowledge. In education 
we have to consider two different levels: First 
level is the prelimary school level and the 
second level is high school level. The 
information must be presented according to the 
necessities of this two different levels. 
5.7 Mobile Applications of the Obtained Results 
Mobile applications are playing crucial role for the 
foreign visitors who are hungary for information 
Especially if they have their mobile phones or PDA’s 
with the internet access they can easily reach the 
historical data of the region that they are in and they will 
learn about the archaeological excavations, artifacts, 
museums geographical coordinates and other valuable 
information (Figure 9). If we consider that European 
people’s mobile telephone high penetration numbers this 
application will a lot to do for these people. 
Figure 9. Photos and information about the 
archaeological site can be get by using mobile 
phones and PDAs. 
5.8 Other Studies 
During the area studies and reviews with the 
archaeological experts the video team will record all the 
valuable information in audia-visual formats which can 
be edited for a documentary film. 
Workshops will be organized to disseminate information 
and to form discussion environments for the proceedings 
and the results of this project. 
The results and achievements of this project will be 
published after the project will be completed. 
This project will not only enhance the public’s 
understanding of cultural values and their roots but also 
educate them to be respectful of cultural values. 
Therefore people become more aware of the their 
environment and cultural affairs. Remote sensing and 
geographical information systems with the other leading 
technologies of protection help us watching the state of 
the historical places and warned us if any change 
happened. The cultural values are protected and 
preserved by this way. There is another benefit also 
brought by this project is any infrastructural construction 
process plan will be adjusted according to the maps of 
cultural heritages. This project also plays a great role in 
the education of the children since the web site and the 
CD-ROMs distributed will show them cultural heritages 
in an multi media environment and in an interactive way. 
Game desgined for this specific project will also help the 
dissemination of this project’s results. 
In terms of touristic benefits this project will enhance the 
enthusiasim towards these cultures and these lands. So 
Turkey will have an increased number of tourists and 
web portal and mobile applications will donate tourists 
with necessary information such as historical 
information, location, coordinates, accomodation, 
transportation, related ancient city mythos and etc. 
This project also helps to the construction of an 
archaeological network between the scientists, 
archaeologists and respective disciplines and related 
firms. This network will promise us future successes and 
future benefit of this project. The technologies and 
approaches will constitute a model for other research 
This project will also help the ministries or governmental 
agencies such as Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Environment, 
Public Works and municipalities in many aspects. Some 
of the information gathered from this project will only be 
shared by these governmental institutions and others will 
be disseminated publicly. 
References from Books: 
Akurgal, E., 1961, Die Kunst Anatoliens von Homer bis 
Alaxander, Berlin. 
Akargal, E., 1987, Griechische und romische Kunst in der 
Turkei, Mainz.

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