Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX! 1 ' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Figure 6. Query results 
The results are shown in a table (fig.6) and it is possibile to 
locate the results on the map. You must click on the record to 
show and highlight the feature selected on the map (fig.7). 
Figure 7. Query results on the map (link between the database 
and the mapping application) 
From this point users have the opportunity to use the above 
described interface to interact with the map. 
Another possibility given to a selected group of advanced users 
is to manage the database or part of it, as shown in fig.9. Users 
can visualize, modify and query all the information in the tables 
they have the privilege to access. We built this functionality 
using another open source application called phpMyAdmin. To 
be able to use this tool you have to log-in (fig. 8). In the so- 
called “advanced query”, specialists can use specific tools 
developed for their own needs and this is very important in 
order to achieve our goal, that is cooperation and interaction 
with the advanced users. We want them to have the best query 
Figure 8. Remote Database Administration: authentication 
Figure 9 Remote Database Administration: DB structure 
If we consider the stand alone GIS realized in this project 
[Ardissone 2003] and the shared tool that has been illustrated 
above, it is evident that they don’t offer the same 
functionalities. Let’s have a look at the differences. The two 
systems offer the same functionalities to navigate and query the 
map. The main difference in the Web application it is the lack 
of some tools, such as distance measurement. The Web/GIS 
application wants to be an instrument for sharing information, 
so each tool needs to be designed by administrators in order to 
make the site more closer to real users’ requests. 
The condition and temporal queries aren’t yet fully developed 
and they will be implemented in the future. At the moment 
only more useful functions are available. The users can 
interrogate the database in both applications. To be able to use 
the Web\GIS application they have to be familiar with SQL 
language, because at the moment there are no pre built masks. 
However, they have the possibility of querying the whole 
database, as they are using a normal DB management software 
like MS Access. If we consider for instance the research of all 
the castles the results are the same using the two tools (fig 10). 

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