Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Figure 10. DB queries in both systems (top: web application) 
different groups of alfanumeric data (database and 
DBF files) 
• Introducing the use of the raster format, which is not 
available at the moment. 
E. Albery, P. Boccardo, A. Spanò, A new concept GJS for 
archaeological studies, proceedings of CIPA International 
Symposium, Postdam, 2001. 
F. Rinaudo, P. Boccardo, A. Spanò, Analisi conoscitiva di un 
assetto territoriale condotta tramite un sii interdisciplinare, 
p.public., in Atti della VI conferenza ASITA, Perugia, 2002. 
T. Bellone, A. Spanò, Valutazione della qualità dei dati in un 
sistema informativo territoriale interdisciplinare, p.public. in 
Atti della VI conferenza ASITA, Perugia 2002. 
P. Ardissone, F. Rinaudo, Geomatic applications in 
archaeological research: the Middle Age in the valle Po 
landscape, proceedings of CIPA International Symposium, 
Antalya, 2003. 
Web references 
http : //www.pli p. net 
http : //www. apac he. org 
The research has been financed by Italian Ministry of 
Education, University and Research (MIUR) project PRIN2002 
(Nat. Resp. Prof C. Monti), and co-financed by Marcovaldo 
cultural association. 
We would like to thank also the MapServer users group. 
The publication process on the Internet has shown the chance of 
transforming a complex stand-alone GIS in a shared 
application: we have illustrated the benefits of an operation of 
this kind. 
It’s important to underline how the use of different Open 
Source applications made it possible to get a completely 
personalized tool, without spending money on software 
Future perspectives 
The project is still in progress and maybe the screenshots you 
see in this paper may change; next steps will be: 
• improving user interface 
• developing advanced query tools for selecting objects 
by location and to manage problems of location 
likelihood; • 
• developing a tool for web administration of 
MapServer configuration mapfiles 
• creating a synchronized system for updating the 
databases, Access and MySQL as well. 
• Improving multimedia aspects for the turistic 
• Using MySQL support as soon as it becomes stable 
using it with MapServer in order to avoid having two

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