Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Rule images that were generated during the classification were 
considered. In rule images the dark pixels mean a similar 
spectral signature to the selected class, while the gray scale 
pixels mean a different one. Rule images are very helpful in 
highlighting the presence of buried archaeological structure on 
the bases of different spectral characteristics of the ground. 
The rule image of the class “buildings” enabled us to recognize 
circular anomalies approximately 100 m from the west side of 
the Sant’Ilario monastery (figure 3). 
figure 3- Sant’llario area and anomalies singled out in the rule image of 
“buildings” class. 
In the San Massimo area, north to the church is possible to 
single out a linear trace in the rule images of the buildings and 
streets classes(figure 4). At the moment we are not able to 
interpret these anomalies and to understand if they are 
archeological features. A field survey have to be done to check 
these anomalies. This operation will be very important because 
it would prevent any kind of misidentification of non- 
archaeological features. 
The test areas analysis has identified some interesting anomalies 
that have to be checked on the ground. A positive identification 
would permit us to enter and link data in the Marchesato di 
Saluzzo GIS. In this paper we have proposed a procedure to 
single out anomalies and archaeological features inside two 
areas selected by archive and bibliography research. 
The next step will be to apply a SAM classification on the 
whole image. Before doing this, a correct radiometric 
calibration and lithotype and vegetation cover characterization 
are necessary. Moreover in the future we would like to try to 
better the image orthoprojection and to improve the accuracy, 
working on the development of a rigorous sensor model. 
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sharpened satellite images, Urban 2003 Proceedings, Berlin 
Lingua, A., Borgogno Mondino, E., 2002, High Resolution 
Satellite Images Orthoprojection Using Dense DEM, Spie 2002 
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Evaluation of Satellite High Resolution Images in Urban Areas, 
Urban 2001 Proceedings, Rome 
Tao, C., Hu, Y., 2001, A comprensive study of the Rational 
Function Model for Photogrammetric processing, 
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Cavalli R.M., Colosi F., Pignatti S., Poscolieri M., Bianchi R., 
Ricostruzione dell’impianto viario dell’antica Selinunte 
attraverso il telerilevamento iperspettrale, Rivista Italiana di 
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Di Gangi G., Lebole C. ( a cura di), 2000, La gestione del 
territorio, atti del convegno nazionale, Saluzzo. 
7.1 Acknowledgements and Appendix (optional) 
The study is part of a 2 year research project that is co-financed 
by MURST (2001) entitled “The study of remotely sensed 
images for environmental analyses”.

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