Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI PA 2003 XIX 11 ' International Symposium, 30 September-04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Natural and artificial illuminances on the internal surfaces are 
measured. Results are presented on the plans. An example is 
given in Figure 3 [9]. 
External daylight illumination levels depending on the average 
sky conditions and statistical meteorological data of the region 
were used to obtain realistic internal visual virtualisation. 
Luminaire location plans are determined in situ and luminaire 
light specifications are measured in laboratory [9]. Data on the 
inner surfaces colour and light reflectance properties are 
measured in situ by using high quality colorimeter [10]. 
The main objectives of the CAHRISMA research project are the 
identification, revival and conservation of architectural heritage 
from a new perspective. Objective and subjective evaluations 
and audio-visual reconstruction of Sinan’s Mosques and 
Byzantine Churches in real-time 3D virtual environments are 
the basic approaches of the project. Virtual restoration, virtual 
conservation, and the determination of different significant 
acoustical effects are to be the main results. By means of this 
wide frame research, conceptual and practical innovations will 
be created in the fields of acoustics, architecture and simulation 
On the other hand, selected worship spaces are undoubtedly the 
best examples of their type and their era. The conservation of 
those religious edifices in a virtual environment will be a great 
step and a perfect example to the innovation of conservation 
and restitution methods. 
In the virtualisation, one or several of the topics presented in the 
text may have a special importance depending on the function 
of the building; therefore the data collection should be 
rearranged according to the building function. 
CAHRISMA Research Project (ICA3-1999-00007) is being 
supported by the European Commission, within the 
‘Confirming of International Role of Community Research - 
INCO MED’ program of the Fifth Framework. 
[1] Aknesil, A. E., Akdag, N. Y., “A Case Study on the 
Estimation of Sound Absorption Properties of Worship 
Spaces”, 17 lh ICA Congress, Rome, 02-07 Sept., 2001. 
[2] Prodi, N., Marsilio, M., “On the Prediction of Reverberation 
Time and Sound Level in Mosques”, 17 lh ICA Congress, Rome, 
02-07 Sept., 2001. 
[3] Marsilio M., Prodi N. and Pompoli R., “On the Effect of 
Floor inside Mosques”, in 17 lli International Congress on 
Acoustics, Rome, 2-7 September 2001. 
[4] Weitze, C. A., Christensen, C. L., Rindel, J. H., Gade, A. C., 
“Computer Simulation of the Acoustics of Mosques and 
Byzantine Churches”, 17 lh ICA Congress, Rome, 02-07 Sept., 
[5] Papagiannakis, G., L’Hoste, G., Foni, A., Thalmann, N., M., 
“Real Time Photo Realistic Simulation of Complex Heritage 
Edifices”, 17 lh ICA Congress, Rome, 02-07 Sept., 2001. 
[6] Vallet M., Vincent B., Karabiber Z., Erdogan S and., £elik 
E. ‘Psycho-acoustic Evaluation of the Sounds in Old Turkish 
Mosques’, in 17 lh International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 
2-7 September 2001. 
[7] Karabiber Z„ Onver R„ Batirbaygil H., Binan C„ Akdag N., 
Aknesil A., Erdogan S., “Data Collection Methodology of 
Architectural Heritage for Virtualisation and the CAHRISMA 
Project Example” in the Proceedings of the First International 
Workshop” on 3D Virtual Heritage, Geneva, Switzerland, 2-3 
October, 2002. 
[8] CAHRISMA Project l sl Year Scientific Annual Report, 
internal document, 2001. 
[9] CAHRISMA Project, Workpackage 2 Deliverables (5, 6, 7, 
8), internal document, Yildiz Technical University, 2001. 
[10] CAHRISMA Project 2 nd Year Scientific Annual Report, 
internal document, 2002. 
[11] Karabiber, Z., Ünver, R., £elik, E., “Lighting and 
Acoustical Performance of a Worship Space: Kadirga Sokullu 
Mosque”, SAS Congress, Istanbul, 24-27 July, 2001.

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