CIP A 2003 XIX 11 ' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
This test shows the enormous potential of the modem sensors
that obtain the highest quality digital cartographic products
through automated documents or documents that can be
Raster cartography of the square
The comparison was inevitable between the true orthophoto of
the square with the other raster cartographs that the authors
generated and studied. Raster cartographs, photoplans,
orthophotos and true orthophotos still stimulate fascination in
the final user, whether he or she is a professional or citizen. The
appeal of getting a bird's eye view was clear in the volume
dedicated to the photoplan of Venice of 1911 (Scarso, Guerra
2000) where the first carto-photographic representation of the
Square was published. The easy reading of an aerial photo or
one of its elaborations is due to the great similarity between
natural vision and photography; what is lacking any
fig5 True orthophoto of san Marco square
interpretation, or any aid to the understanding of the territory
represented. In the evolution from aerial photograph to the
photoplan, to the orthophoto to the true orthophoto, the metric
content has increased dramatically, while keeping the same
The evolution of these representations is visible in the images
reported that show the photoplans of 1911 and 1982, the
orthophoto of 2000 (CGR) and the true orthophoto of 2003.
In 1999, the authors converted the photoplan of 1982 to digital
format and published it on a CD-Rom using the most important
Venetian dailies for distribution. Sales in a single day topped
10,000 copies, demonstrating the enormous public success of
cartographic photography. It would be appropriate to relaunch a
similar operation using the true orthophoto in order to provide a
metrically accurate product.