CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
fig6 Comparison between orthophoto (original nominal scale 1:5000) and true orthophoto (original nominal scale 1:2000)
The experiences of St. Mark's Square illustrated here
demonstrate how laser techniques, along with photogrammic
elaborations in the terrestrial field and the aerial cartographic
area, are able to provide extremely functional, complete and
accurate products.
These are essentially digital images given either a geometry that
enables direct measurability (true orthophotos) or are provided
with a supplementary layer of information containing the 3D
images (solid images). Both elaborations can be in turn
integrated into a true 3D orthophoto. Added to this, as shown, is
the information that enables a more widespread diffusion of
survey products and cartography contributing to the diffusion of
the cartographic culture.
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L. Bomaz, A. Lingua, F. Rinaudo. High resolution digital
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“Close range imaging, long range vision”, in Proceeding of the
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C. Balletti, F. Guerra, a. Lingua, F. Rinaudo, True orthophoto
of the san Marco Basilica in Venice, in Proceeding of the
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and archeological archives”, Ancona, 1-3 july 2003.
L. Bomaz, S. Dequal, The solid image: a new concept and its
applications, in Proceeding of the ISPRS workshop “Vision
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