Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX"' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
In the previous example, photogrammetric compilation 
was based on images taken more or less by chance: pro 
fessor Kostka has taken metric photographs at the time he 
spent in the region with an expedition. Historical aerial 
photographs are present in most countries since the 
1950s. For country-wide mapping, regular aerial photog 
raphy is carried out periodically every couple of years, 
and stored in archives. In addition to aerial photographs, 
historical country-wide or regional maps can be useful. 
Similar historical maps and photographs have been of 
great benefit to re-naturalization of the national park 
Neusiedler See (Lake Neusiedler). Neusiedler See is 
situated in a basin without outlet. Of special interest in 
the National Park are the meadowlands created through 
use for traditional haymaking, the remaining pastureland, 
and the unique, frequently evaporating saltwater pants 
with their varying salinity levels. These biotopes are 
internationally famous and important for their many 
nesting or migrating wading bird species. However, from 
the beginning of the 20 th century wide spread artificial 
draining took place, withdrawing the surface waters from 
that area very effectively and also lowering the water 
table in waterlogged soils. The water surface has been 
reduced by 75%. 
As mentioned above, historical maps and photographs 
have been greatly beneficial to re-naturalization; never 
theless, they do not provide sufficient information on 
terrain elevations. Therefore a high-quality digital terrain 
model (DTM) has been generated in applying the new 
technology of airborne laser scanning. Figure 4 is a color- 
coded representation of this DTM. The areas up to a 
certain level are colored blue so to suggest coverage by 
water. For more details see (Herzig et al., 2001). 
This project is a first step in establishing a National Park 
information system. It is thought to be open to various 
sets of data, thus providing for a multidisciplinary man 
agement and analysis tool, to assist in multiple criteria 
spatial decision making and conflict resolution (scientific, 
political), as well as for monitoring the past and present 
state and predicting future developments of the valuable 
but vulnerable ecosystem of the National Park. 
Technical Statements: Applying historical maps and 
aerial photographs allows for monitoring changes in the 
past. In hydrologically susceptible areas, precise digital 
terrain models are also of great importance; nowadays, 
such models can be derived from airborne laser scanner 
Financial Statement: For adequate management of 
national parks, detailed and many-sided information and 
documentation are inevitable, to be stored and accessed 
via spatial information systems. To provide for this, 
considerable financing is inevitable. 
Figure 4: Color coded terrain model derived from laser 
scanner data. 
A spatial information system, such as the one mentioned 
at the end of the last section, is under development for the 
archeological excavations in Ephesos (Klotz, 2003). 
Ephesos, on the west coast of Asia Minor in Turkey, used 
to be one of the most important cities of the Roman Em 
pire. Here, Austrian archaeologists have been carrying 
out research and excavation for more than a hundred 
A digital orthophoto derived from images 1:15 000 serves 
as spatial reference co-ordinate system, the orthophoto 
providing users of the archaeological information system 
with easy orientation. The orthophoto carries markers 
linked with further information in the system. Fig. 5 
shows a detail of the orthophoto with some vector data 
overlaid, representing the surroundings of the ancient

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