Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

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C/P^ 20Q-? A7/V ; ' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
East Gymnasium. The vector data have been generated 
by digitizing and generalization of existing paper plans. 
The original plans carry individual local coordinate sys 
tems in different scales, and with different orientation. It 
is decided to gradually convert all relevant data of the 
excavations and of research to the new spatial reference 
co-ordinate system. 
Technical Statement: Digital Orthophotos are well 
suited as spatial reference co-ordinate system for archeo 
logical and other similar information systems. 
Financial Statement: Storing various types of informa 
tion in the same spatial information system allows for 
distributing the relevant costs among different groups of 
its users. 
200 m 
Figure 5: Digital Orthophoto of Ephesos with the ancient East Gymnasium 
The castle Schonbrunn is one of the major attractions in 
Vienna. It has about 6.7 million visitors per year 
(http://www.schoenbrunn.at). Permanent restoration 
activity is inevitable for preserving this jewel. The sup 
porting documents needed are created by applying photo- 
grammetry. Fig. 6 shows a small section of the facade. 
Vector data are compiled in considering both metrics and 
topology (Kraus, 2003). Concerning local building condi 
tions, the orthophoto yields valuable hints and informa 

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