Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Figure 6: Digital orthophoto of a small section of the facade of the Schonbrunn Castle, with vector data overlaid. 
On initiative from Dr. Kippes (Castle Schonbrunn, Man 
agement) a Building Management System will be created, 
and all data and information stemming from photogram- 
metric compilation stored in it. In this process, relational 
data is specified, linking with other relevant information 
as stored - such as restoration conditions, origin of the 
geometric data source, etc. Most of the commonly used 
systems provide the capability to handle 2 ‘/2 D vector 
data only. Moreover, the integration of raster data for 
modeling purposes is not supported (it can only be inte 
grated as surface texture, to serve purposes of visualiza 
tion). For proper and convenient heritage documentation, 
a geometric 3D building management system with the 4 th 
dimension - the time scale - is needed. 
Technical Statement: 4-dimensional information sys 
tems have to be developed, to allow, on the one hand, for 
relationally connecting geometric models with other 
special information, and on the other hand, to represent 
monument and site changes in time. 
Financial Statement: Including information as needed 
by tourism management into the general spatial informa 
tion system may provide some financial contribution for 
purposes of heritage preservation. 
Including a monument or site in the World Heritage List 
(WHL) by the UNESCO is a highly valuable predicate. 
The list contains currently 754 items; the Buddha sculp 
tures of Bamiyan (Section 5), the Cultural Landscape of 
Fertô/Neusiedler See (Section 6) and the Palace and 
Gardens of Schonbrunn (Section 8) belong to it. Year for 
year there are considerable additions to the WHL; some 
critics speak of inflationary trends in this respect (e.g. 
Bartetzko, 2003). 
The predicate „World Heritage“ attracts many more 
tourists; alone for this reason, this status, ones achieved, 
will be kept as far as possible. This is also true, e.g., for 
the „Historic Centre of Vienna“ - a status granted in 
2001; it resulted in much activity in photogrammetry, 
laser scanning, and in spatial information science. Apply 
ing the data thus acquired allowed the corresponding 
department of the municipality of Vienna (MA 41) to 
derive of them a 3D urban model of the city (Figure 7).

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