Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI P A 2003 XIX 11 ’ International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
CitYoft Vienna 
Figure 7: 3D urban model of Vienna 
Data acquistion of 
roofs with staff of 
MA 41 - and tests 
with private 
Geodata in Practice 
“Innere Stadt” 
(1 st District of 
City of 
June 2003 
New projects of construction have to be considered care 
fully when historical sites are affected. In Vienna there is 
currently an intensive discussion about the project „Wien 
Mitte“; it is about constructing several high-rise buildings 
in a buffer zone to the city, the highest of which is 
planned to be 97m tall (Klotz/Zunke, 2002). In discussing 
the project with UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, 
the 3D urban model of Vienna provides valuable infor 
mation and attractive visualizations. The publication cited 
above describes the points of view of the Magistrate of 
Vienna; there, one can read the following: „All analyses 
and visualizations relating to architectonics and monu 
ment protection, in particular, the visibility analysis on 
the basis of a 3D urban model developed on the basis of 
scientific criteria, show that the visual integrity of the old 
historic center of Vienna is not endangered by the project. 
Technical Statement: Nowadays in applying photo- 
grammetry it is possible to create 3D urban models with 
different levels of detail and of accuracy. 
Financial Statement: Inclusion in the World Heritage 
List of the UNESCO initializes and finances numerous 
activities involving technology belonging to the realm of 
10. Closing Remarks 
The ISPRS represents nowadays a wide field of methods 
and of technology. In this paper I have tried to take a fast 
look at this field. The methods and techniques mentioned 
are at disposal of the ICOMOS community. At the same 
time, the tasks and requirements as formulated by the 
ICOMOS yield impulses for further research and devel 
opment by the ISPRS in its realm of methods and tech 
nology. CIPA with its RecorDIM initiative intensifies 
this communication and knowledge transfer in both direc 
tions - from ICOMOS to ISPRS and vice versa. 
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Dorffner, L.: Der digitale Behaim Globus - Visualis 
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S., Toz, G.: Hagia Sophia - Photogrammetric Re 
cord of a World Cultural Heritage. International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sens 
ing, Volume XXXIII, Part B5/1, Amsterdam 
2000, pp. 172-179. 
Fleishman, J., Yee S.: Artful thieves snatch 10-inch 
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ht.tn://archi ves.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi- 

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