Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
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05J2 Req 
Gruen A., Remondino F.: The Buddhas of Bamiyan, 
Herzig, A., Horvath, D., Kraus, K., Naumann, K.: Re- 
naturalization of Parts of the National Park Neus 
iedler See-Seewinkel/Fertö-Hansag by the Aid of 
Laser Scanning. XVIII. International CIPA Sym 
posium "Surveying and Documentation of His- KEY WOl 
toric Buildings-Monuments-Sites, Traditional and 
Modern Methods", Potsdam, 18-21. September 
2001. S. 61-68, 2002. 
Klotz, S.: Photogrammetry in Ephesos - Recording Basic 
Spatial Data. To be found in these proceedings, The CERK 
2003. the EPFL, 
on orthoph 
Klotz, A., Zunkel, R.: The World Heritage site „Historic there. The 
Centre of Vienna“ and the project „Wien-Mitte”: to a revital 
background from the perspective of the City of 
Vienna, Sondernummer “Perspekltiven” der Stadt The Moroi 
Wien, 2002. (Intergraph 
Kraus, K.: Photogrammetrie, Band 1 (Geometrische 
Informationen aus Photographien und Laserscan 
neraufnahmen), 7. Auflage, Walter de Gruyter 
Verlag, voraussichtlich 2003. 
Waldhäusl, P., Ogleby, C.L.: 3x3 rules for simple photo- 
grammetric documentation of architecture. Invited 
paper. Symposium ISPRS Commission V. (pre 
sented by C.L. Ogleby). International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing XXX-5, 
Melbourne, March 3, 1994, pp. 426-429. 
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